Loading...Editorial20 September 2023Editorial: A year in review: discussions in cancer endocrinologyMadson Almeida, Javad Sharifi-Rad and Veronica Vella886 views0 citations
Loading...Original Research18 May 2023Causal associations of hyperthyroidism with prostate cancer, colon cancer, and leukemia: a Mendelian randomization studyFeipeng Xu and Zhenxin Chen7,290 views5 citations
Loading...Original Research12 January 2023Association between triglyceride glucose index and risk of cancer: A meta-analysisHuan Wang, 4 more and Weiwei Cui4,580 views29 citations
Original Research09 December 2022The number of metastatic lymph nodes optimizes staging in patients aged 55 years or older with papillary thyroid cancerYun-Gang Sun, 3 more and Xiao-Chuan He1,811 views1 citations
Original Research21 October 2022A combined signature of glycolysis and immune landscape predicts prognosis and therapeutic response in prostate cancerTao Guo, 6 more and Yuhua Huang2,789 views2 citations