Loading...Editorial25 May 2023Editorial: A year in review: discussions in developmental endocrinologyLawrence M. Nelson996 views0 citations
Original Research19 April 2023Androgen receptor signaling regulates follicular growth and steroidogenesis in interaction with gonadotropins in the ovary during mini-puberty in miceMarie M. Devillers, 6 more and Céline J. Guigon2,213 views3 citations
Loading...Review21 February 2023The effect of endocrine-disrupting chemicals on placental developmentYan Yan, 3 more and Yichao Wang9,856 views16 citations
Loading...Mini Review04 January 2023Emerging concepts on Leydig cell development in fetal and adult testisIndrashis Bhattacharya and Souvik Dey5,240 views20 citations
Original Research19 October 2022Vacuolization in embryos on days 3 and 4 of in vitro development: Association with stimulation protocols, embryo development, chromosomal status, pregnancy and neonatal outcomesLongbin Chen, 5 more and Ge Lin3,431 views4 citations