Systematic Review02 August 2023Clinical efficacy of acupuncture for diminished ovarian reserve: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trialsGuangyao Lin, 3 more and Lianwei Xu2,773 views2 citations
Original Research19 June 2023Comparison of frozen-thaw blastocyst transfer strategies in women aged 35–40 years: a retrospective studyYanhong Wu, 3 more and Junzhao Zhao1,031 views0 citations
Loading...Original Research06 March 2023Effects of Ureaplasma urealyticum infection on semen quality and sperm morphologyFu Xianchun, 2 more and Hong Mingyun3,835 views15 citations
Loading...Review18 January 2023The role of taurine in male reproduction: Physiology, pathology and toxicologyYuanyuan Li, 6 more and Chaoran Chen14,221 views19 citations
Loading...Review17 January 2023Endocrine disorders and fertility and pregnancy: An updateAnna Bendarska-Czerwińska, 11 more and Beniamin Oskar Grabarek11,274 views22 citations
Original Research04 January 2023Live birth rate following frozen-thawed blastocyst transfer is higher in high-grade day 6 blastocysts than in low-grade day 5 blastocystsWenhao Shi, 3 more and Juanzi Shi2,846 views11 citations
Original Research02 December 2022Individualized luteal phase support based on serum progesterone levels in frozen-thawed embryo transfer cycles maximizes reproductive outcomes in a cohort undergoing preimplantation genetic testingBertille du Boulet, 4 more and Tal Anahory3,480 views7 citations