Loading...Editorial31 May 2023Editorial: A year in review: discussions in obesityAbbas Yadegar, Ali Nabavi-Rad, Dario Iafusco and Nahum Méndez-Sánchez1,299 views0 citations
Original Research09 February 2023Excess visceral fat area as an independent risk factor for early postoperative complications in patients with obesity undergoing bariatric surgeryLiping Han, 5 more and Yi Chen1,414 views3 citations
Original Research06 January 2023Using hyperhomocysteinemia and body composition to predict the risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in healthcare workersXiaoyan Hao, 2 more and Peng Wang2,279 views3 citations
Review29 November 2022Bariatric endoscopic-surgical therapies for NAFLD. Should they be considered viable options among current treatments?Eva Juárez-Hernández, 3 more and Iván López-Méndez1,999 views5 citations
Loading...Review20 October 2022The critical role of gut microbiota in obesityZilu Cheng, 2 more and Huikuan Chu13,732 views103 citations