Here we present the Frontiers in Endocrinology ‘Emerging Talents in Renal Endocrinology: 2023' article collection, a series dedicated to highlighting the emerging researcher talents.
Across the world, students and early career researchers are undertaking key research. However, a lot of this research is not communicated to the wider audience. We recognize that this is because many student or early researchers find the thought of peer-review daunting. At Frontiers, peer-review is considered a collaborative process and our interactive peer-review is tailored to provide hands-on guidance and constructive feedback to researchers. Our Topic Editors are committed to the development of emerging talents and want to see early researchers strive for success in their publications.
The research presented here highlights the quality and diversity of emerging researchers across the field of renal endocrinology. We welcome contributions in the form of original research, reviews, mini-reviews, hypothesis and theory, perspective, and both experimental and computational studies.
This Research Topic will help to identify emerging talents and will allow the community to follow the aspiring careers of our emerging, talented researchers. #EmergingTalentsIn
Here we present the Frontiers in Endocrinology ‘Emerging Talents in Renal Endocrinology: 2023' article collection, a series dedicated to highlighting the emerging researcher talents.
Across the world, students and early career researchers are undertaking key research. However, a lot of this research is not communicated to the wider audience. We recognize that this is because many student or early researchers find the thought of peer-review daunting. At Frontiers, peer-review is considered a collaborative process and our interactive peer-review is tailored to provide hands-on guidance and constructive feedback to researchers. Our Topic Editors are committed to the development of emerging talents and want to see early researchers strive for success in their publications.
The research presented here highlights the quality and diversity of emerging researchers across the field of renal endocrinology. We welcome contributions in the form of original research, reviews, mini-reviews, hypothesis and theory, perspective, and both experimental and computational studies.
This Research Topic will help to identify emerging talents and will allow the community to follow the aspiring careers of our emerging, talented researchers. #EmergingTalentsIn