Loading...Editorial11 May 2023Editorial: Antimicrobial resistance in aquatic environments, volume IIJorge Olivares-Pacheco, Elisabet Marti, Lorena Rodríguez-Rubio and William Calero-Cáceres1,498 views0 citations
Original Research16 January 2023Genomic insights of mcr-1 harboring Escherichia coli by geographical region and a One-Health perspectiveWilliam Calero-Cáceres, 8 more and Anthony David Harries3,204 views6 citations
Loading...Review13 December 2022The effect of disinfectants and antiseptics on co- and cross-selection of resistance to antibiotics in aquatic environments and wastewater treatment plantsDaniel Basiry, 4 more and Ilke Pala-Ozkok12,182 views1 citations
Loading...Review01 December 2022A systematic review and meta-analysis on antimicrobial resistance in marine bivalvesElisa Albini, 4 more and Chiara Francesca Magistrali6,917 views10 citations
Original Research10 November 2022Fecal indicators and antibiotic resistance genes exhibit diurnal trends in the Chattahoochee River: Implications for water quality monitoringKarena. H. Nguyen, 5 more and Mia Catharine Mattioli2,337 views5 citations
Loading...Original Research04 October 2022Diversity and abundance of antibiotic resistance genes and their relationship with nutrients and land use of the inflow rivers of Taihu LakePrilli Arista Fernanda, 4 more and Raju Sekar3,223 views11 citations