In recent decades, in all professions, sexual harassment and gender discrimination has become increasingly common in the workplace. Sexual harassment in the workplace is defined as repeated and unpleasant sexual behaviors that includes verbal, physical, psychological, and visual types, and are accompanied by humiliation, insults, or threats to the health of victims. Sexual harassment, is a behavior that includes three related, but conceptually distinct dimensions: gender harassment, unwanted sexual attention, and sexual coercion. Sexual remarks or gestures, "dirty jokes", the display of sexual images, and gender-based behaviors, threats, or hostility are examples of such behaviors that are done with the intention to insult the victim, rather than express sexual or romantic desires. The findings of studies on the prevalence of sexual harassment cover a wide and differential range; the reason for these differences is most likely due to differences in sampling method, tools used, and differences in social, cultural, and economic environments.
It is important to identify, manage and monitor sexual harassment in a sensitive, yet effective way in the workplace. Its occurrence can lead to severe physical, psychological, and emotional damage and difficulties, as well as resignations, frequent absences, incompatibility with colleagues, deviant behaviors, and declines in energy, work efficiency, creativity, and job satisfaction. Another important issue that emphasizes the importance of addressing sexual harassment in the workplace is that many incidents of sexual harassment in the workplace go unreported for a variety of reasons, including cultural factors, negative consequences, peer pressure, and the victim’s reluctance and fear. Many victims believe that reporting an incident is pointless or, due to previous experience or a lack of knowledge of policies and guidelines. In addition, sexual harassment in the workplace is a topic that is frequently avoided due to social stigma. However, the "Me Too" movement on social media in 2017 drew unprecedented international attention to this important matter.
Since different countries have varied cultural traits, sexual harassment can take many different forms. Therefore, reaching an international and global voice regarding sexual harassment in the workplace is difficult, however it is possible to share the common experiences and preventive strategies which could be helpful for different societies, in different counties to better identify, manage and monitor the occurrence of this behavior and its outcomes for victims. Considering these points, this Research Topic looks to address the following themes, but not limited to:
• Prevalence of sexual harassment in different work places and its correlates;
• Scale development for measuring sexual harassment in different work places;
• Attitudes and perceptions toward reporting/disclosing sexual harassment;
• Sexual harassment in the workplace and the stigma that surrounds it;
• Strategies for preventing sexual harassment in the workplace;
• Consequences of sexual harassment in the workplace;
• Policies and legal rules about sexual harassment in the workplace.
In recent decades, in all professions, sexual harassment and gender discrimination has become increasingly common in the workplace. Sexual harassment in the workplace is defined as repeated and unpleasant sexual behaviors that includes verbal, physical, psychological, and visual types, and are accompanied by humiliation, insults, or threats to the health of victims. Sexual harassment, is a behavior that includes three related, but conceptually distinct dimensions: gender harassment, unwanted sexual attention, and sexual coercion. Sexual remarks or gestures, "dirty jokes", the display of sexual images, and gender-based behaviors, threats, or hostility are examples of such behaviors that are done with the intention to insult the victim, rather than express sexual or romantic desires. The findings of studies on the prevalence of sexual harassment cover a wide and differential range; the reason for these differences is most likely due to differences in sampling method, tools used, and differences in social, cultural, and economic environments.
It is important to identify, manage and monitor sexual harassment in a sensitive, yet effective way in the workplace. Its occurrence can lead to severe physical, psychological, and emotional damage and difficulties, as well as resignations, frequent absences, incompatibility with colleagues, deviant behaviors, and declines in energy, work efficiency, creativity, and job satisfaction. Another important issue that emphasizes the importance of addressing sexual harassment in the workplace is that many incidents of sexual harassment in the workplace go unreported for a variety of reasons, including cultural factors, negative consequences, peer pressure, and the victim’s reluctance and fear. Many victims believe that reporting an incident is pointless or, due to previous experience or a lack of knowledge of policies and guidelines. In addition, sexual harassment in the workplace is a topic that is frequently avoided due to social stigma. However, the "Me Too" movement on social media in 2017 drew unprecedented international attention to this important matter.
Since different countries have varied cultural traits, sexual harassment can take many different forms. Therefore, reaching an international and global voice regarding sexual harassment in the workplace is difficult, however it is possible to share the common experiences and preventive strategies which could be helpful for different societies, in different counties to better identify, manage and monitor the occurrence of this behavior and its outcomes for victims. Considering these points, this Research Topic looks to address the following themes, but not limited to:
• Prevalence of sexual harassment in different work places and its correlates;
• Scale development for measuring sexual harassment in different work places;
• Attitudes and perceptions toward reporting/disclosing sexual harassment;
• Sexual harassment in the workplace and the stigma that surrounds it;
• Strategies for preventing sexual harassment in the workplace;
• Consequences of sexual harassment in the workplace;
• Policies and legal rules about sexual harassment in the workplace.