Plant diseases impose a serious threat on agriculture, reducing crop yield by 10-15% worldwide every year, affecting the quality of infected crops and producing toxins posing threat to human health. Throughout human history, plant disease epidemics caused by biotic agents have resulted in malnutrition, starvation, migration, and death of people on numerous occasions. In recent decades, the rapid expansion of human activity range, combined with the global climate change, provides conditions permitting the (re)emergence of plant pathogens at the interface between managed and natural vegetation, and the outbreaks of emerging pathogens therein.
Through the plant-pathogen coevolutionary process, pathogens have deployed a variety of strategies to suppress plant innate immunity, while plants have developed elegant defence systems against pathogen infections. An in-depth understanding of the molecular mechanisms of pathogenicity and plant defence mechanisms is essential for developing effective approaches to minimize the adverse impacts of plant diseases on humans.
This Research Topic aims to increase our understanding of the molecular interactions between plants and pathogens, crop management and biological control of infectious plant diseases. We welcome the submission of Original Research Articles, Reviews, Mini-review, Perspectives, and Methods related to, but not limited to, the following topics:
- Genetic diversity, population genetic, molecular epidemiology of plant pathogens
- Development of sensitive detection techniques for plant pathogens
- Resistance gene
- Hypersensitive responses
- Reactive oxygen species
- Plant-pathogen interaction
- MAMP/PAMP-triggered immunity (MTI/PTI)
- Effector-trigged immunity (ETI)
- Pathogen effectors
- Biological control
- Crop-rotation
- intercropping
- grass/weed strips
- crop diversification
Plant diseases impose a serious threat on agriculture, reducing crop yield by 10-15% worldwide every year, affecting the quality of infected crops and producing toxins posing threat to human health. Throughout human history, plant disease epidemics caused by biotic agents have resulted in malnutrition, starvation, migration, and death of people on numerous occasions. In recent decades, the rapid expansion of human activity range, combined with the global climate change, provides conditions permitting the (re)emergence of plant pathogens at the interface between managed and natural vegetation, and the outbreaks of emerging pathogens therein.
Through the plant-pathogen coevolutionary process, pathogens have deployed a variety of strategies to suppress plant innate immunity, while plants have developed elegant defence systems against pathogen infections. An in-depth understanding of the molecular mechanisms of pathogenicity and plant defence mechanisms is essential for developing effective approaches to minimize the adverse impacts of plant diseases on humans.
This Research Topic aims to increase our understanding of the molecular interactions between plants and pathogens, crop management and biological control of infectious plant diseases. We welcome the submission of Original Research Articles, Reviews, Mini-review, Perspectives, and Methods related to, but not limited to, the following topics:
- Genetic diversity, population genetic, molecular epidemiology of plant pathogens
- Development of sensitive detection techniques for plant pathogens
- Resistance gene
- Hypersensitive responses
- Reactive oxygen species
- Plant-pathogen interaction
- MAMP/PAMP-triggered immunity (MTI/PTI)
- Effector-trigged immunity (ETI)
- Pathogen effectors
- Biological control
- Crop-rotation
- intercropping
- grass/weed strips
- crop diversification