Transverse histologic sections of a dilated tricuspid (A) and Marfan (Figure 4B) ascending aortic wall (5 μm); stained with fibrillin-1. Fibrillin-1 expression was significantly highest in the tricuspid aortic valve patients as compared to the Marfan and bicuspid patient groups (A–C). Expression was found extracellular in the tricuspid aortic valve patients (red arrows in A) as compared to the intracellular expression in the Marfan patients (red arrows in B). BA, non-dilated bicuspid aortic valve; BAD, dilated bicuspid aortic valve; FBN1, fibrillin-1; TA, non-dilated tricuspid aortic valve. TAD, dilated tricuspid aortic valve, *p<0.05, **p<0.01. Scale bar shown in the figures.
5 citations
Analysis of Tgf-β, Mmp-2, Mmp-9, Fbn-1, and Fbn-2 mRNA expression in the ascending aorta of hamsters grouped according to the strain and the valve morphology. Tgf-β expression (A) was significantly higher in animals of the affected strain irrespective of aortic valve morphology. Mmp-2 expression (B) was significantly reduced in animals with BAV from the affected strain. Mmp-9 expression (C) increased with age, although significantly only for T-TAV animals, but did not change significantly with the strain and the valve morphology. Fbn-1 expression (D) did not significantly change in animals of the affected strain, both with TAV and BAV. Fbn-2 expression (E) was higher in animals of the affected strain, although differences were significant only for animals with BAV. Fbn-1/Fbn-2 expression ratio (F) was over fivefold reduced in animals from the T strain, both with TAV and BAV. The expressions were normalized against the reference gene Cdkn1β. H, control strain; TBAV, bicuspid aortic valve from the affected strain; TTAV, tricuspid aortic valve from the affected strain. Only significant p-values are detailed.
Original Research
08 August 2022
Experimental evidence of the genetic hypothesis on the etiology of bicuspid aortic valve aortopathy in the hamster model
María Teresa Soto-Navarrete
7 more and 
Borja Fernández

Bicuspid aortopathy occurs in approximately 50% of patients with bicuspid aortic valve (BAV), the most prevalent congenital cardiac malformation. Although different molecular players and etiological factors (genetic and hemodynamic) have been suggested to be involved in aortopathy predisposition and progression, clear etiophysiopathological mechanisms of disease are still missing. The isogenic (genetically uniform) hamster (T) strain shows 40% incidence of BAV, but aortic dilatations have not been detected in this model. We have performed comparative anatomical, histological and molecular analyses of the ascending aorta of animals with tricuspid aortic valve (TAV) and BAV from the T strain (TTAV and TBAV, respectively) and with TAV from a control strain (HTAV). Aortic diameter, smooth muscle apoptosis, elastic waviness, and Tgf-β and Fbn-2 expression were significantly increased in T strain animals, regardless of the valve morphology. Strain and aortic valve morphology did not affect Mmp-9 expression, whereas Mmp-2 transcripts were reduced in BAV animals. eNOS protein amount decreased in both TBAV and TTAV compared to HTAV animals. Thus, histomorphological and molecular alterations of the ascending aorta appear in a genetically uniform spontaneous hamster model irrespective of the aortic valve morphology. This is a direct experimental evidence supporting the genetic association between BAV and aortic dilatation. This model may represent a population of patients with predisposition to BAV aortopathy, in which increased expression of Tgf-β and Fbn-2 alters elastic lamellae structure and induces cell apoptosis mediated by eNOS. Patients either with TAV or BAV with the same genetic defect may show the same risk to develop bicuspid aortopathy.

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