Degradation, Ecological Restoration and Adaptive Management of Estuarine Wetlands under Intensifying Global Changes

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Original Research
04 October 2022
Crab contributions as an ecosystem engineer to sediment turnover in the Yellow River Delta
Tian Xie
4 more and 
Dongdong Shao
Data are shown as means ± SE. Lowercase letters indicate significant differences among different water depth datasets and capital letters indicate significant differences among burrow density datasets, with a Tukey test.

Burrowing crabs are widely distributed and have large populations in estuarine wetlands. Crab excavation can have potentially significant bioturbation effects on the vertical structure of sediments, and the processes of nutrients deposition and mineralization. However, the effects of crab micro activities on the geochemical cycling processes of the whole estuarine ecosystems are not clear, specifically the contributions of burrowing crabs to sediment and nutrients turnover in coastal ecosystems. Due to the lack of knowledge on crab burrowing behavior and borrow morphology, it is difficult to accurately estimate the excavation and turnover volumes of crabs. Therefore, this study examined the bioturbation activity of the crab Helice tientsinensis in western Pacific estuary ecosystems by analyzing their burrow morphology and local sediment properties. The common burrow shapes of Helice tientsinensis were J- and Y-shaped burrows. Burrow morphological characteristics such as total burrow depth, curve burrow length, burrow volume, and opening diameter significantly differed among tidal zones. Crab carapace size, water depth, soil hardness, and bulk density were the main factors driving burrow morphology. Sediment excavation by crabs was ~50 times greater than the deposition of sediment into crab burrows. The net transported amounts of sediment (31.66–33.18 g·d-1·m-2) and nutrients (total nitrogen: 0.075–0.090 g·d-1·m-2, total carbon: 3.96–4.55 g·d-1·m-2, and organic matter: 0.44–0.77 g·d-1·m-2) were mainly from the belowground sediment to the surface. These results highlighted the important role of crabs in sediment and nutrients cycling within coastal estuary ecosystems.

10 citations

Soil salinization has been one of the main causes of ecosystem degradation in many estuarine wetlands under global climate changes, but it remains unclear how salinization shifts the phenotypic variability and genetic diversity of the foundation plant species in estuarine wetlands. To reveal the effects of salinization on natural populations of foundation plant species, we investigated the intraspecific variation of Phragmites australis using five functional traits (shoot height, leaf length, panicle length, seed number per panicle, and mass per seed) and ten microsatellite markers in the five sites across the Yellow River Delta. The salinity was indicated by electrical conductivity, and the reproductive strategy was estimated by the ratio of panicle length to shoot height. The linear models showed that the shoot height, leaf length, and panicle length had significantly negative correlations to soil salinity, while the mass per seed had a significantly positive correlation to soil salinity. However, there were no significant relationships between the seed number per panicle or reproductive ratio and soil salinity. The genetic diversity within populations was high in all sites (He > 0.5), but the genetic differentiation between populations was very weak (FST from 0.0074 to 0.0212), which suggested that there was a strong genetic flow among populations. Genetic structure analyses showed two phylogenetic groups of P. australis distributed in four of five surveyed sites across the Yellow River Delta. Our study also found significant phylogenetic signals in the leaf length and mass per seed, suggesting a substantial role of phylogenetic relationship (technically, neutral genetic relatedness) in intraspecific variation and salt adaptation of P. australis. Our study provides novel insight into the adaptative responses of the foundation plant species to soil salinization from individual traits to population genetics and offers significant implications for ecological restoration and adaptive management of saline lands in estuarine wetlands.

8 citations
alterniflora: DEM (A); soil salinity (B); artificial ditch (C); Milu influence range (D).
14 citations
Article Cover Image
Original Research
02 June 2022

Saltmarsh carbon storage contributes significantly to combating global climate change and achieving regional carbon neutrality. Yet saltmarsh carbon stocks have shown a trend of decline in recent years. Therefore, long-term monitoring and analyzing of saltmarshes for their carbon storage is imperative to better protect and manage this pool of carbon. This study investigated the spatiotemporal dynamics in saltmarsh carbon storage during 1987–2020, by using the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform and applying the Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs (InVEST) model, and analyzed the driving factors of carbon storage in saltmarshes. The key results are as follows. Firstly, carbon density values in saltmarshes ranged more than 14-fold, from 7.24 to 104.99 Mg·hm-2, and the total carbon storage showed a decreasing trend. Secondly, reduced carbon storage was concentrated in inshore saltmarshes adjacent to reclamation sites, especially in Shandong, whereas augmented carbon storage characterized the offshore saltmarshes dominated by Spartina alterniflora, especially in Shanghai and Jiangsu. Overall, the carbon stocks of saltmarshes have fallen by 10.44 Tg; the decrease in carbon storage caused by Suaeda salsa, Phragmites australis, and mudflats exceeded the increase in carbon storage caused by Spartina alterniflora and Scirpus mariqueter. Further, we found that reclamation was the most dominant driver of carbon storage reductions, except for sea level rise and hurricane disturbances that can also negatively impact carbon storage, while greater carbon storage was closely related to the invasion of Spartina alterniflora. This study’s findings facilitate the development of a carbon storage management strategy for saltmarsh ecosystems to address global climate change and contribute to attaining carbon neutrality.

18 citations