This Research Topic is linked to a session in the Ocean Sciences Meeting Conference, held between the 24th February and the 4th of March, 2022In the Anthropocene, humans are altering our planet at an increasing rate. This is particularly true for estuaries and deltas, as these physically and geologically ephemeral and ecologically valuable coastal environments have been heavily altered over the last century by various human activities, including sedimentation from soil erosion; diking or damming for flood control and salt intrusion; drainage and filling of wetlands; and eutrophication due to excessive nutrients. Large engineering projects such as industrial and urban development in and around estuaries have led to changes in shoreline location, river discharge, tidal characteristics, and sediment dynamics throughout the last century, resulting in severe water quality and ecosystems degradation.
In recent decades, efforts have been made to understand the nature of the processes operating in altered estuaries and deltas and their responses to modifications. Moreover, the awareness of environmental degradation has led to attempts to manage and restore altered estuaries and deltas with a degree of success. The goal of this research topic is to provide a venue to share our increased knowledge on the nature of the altered processes, the integrated, comprehensive nature of physical, geological, chemical, and biological processes of altered estuaries and deltas, as well as our experience on their restoration and adaptive management practices.
The research topic mainly publishes articles on processes and management of altered estuaries and deltas. The following subtopics are included, but are not limited to:
- Hydrodynamical change in altered estuaries and deltas due to the construction of estuarine dam, land reclamation, channel dredging, and other anthropogenic activities,
- Change in sediment dynamics and sedimentary processes in and around the altered estuaries and deltas, and the resulting geomorphological changes,
- Bio-geochemical and ecosystem degradation in estuaries and deltas due to physical alteration and basin-wide anthropogenic impacts,
- Integrated, comprehensive nature of physical, geological, chemical, and biological processes within the altered estuaries and deltas,
- Any aspects of restoration and management of altered estuaries and deltas to maintain the sustainability of these systems.