Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a series of significant changes and adjustments within dentistry, as dental professionals dealt with temporary closures of dental practices, increased use of personal protective equipment, a reduction of clinical procedures, and extensions to training programmes. Recent research has illustrated the impact of the pandemic on the dental profession, indicating that many dental professionals felt emotionally exhausted and experienced significant uncertainty and anxiety. This qualitative study aimed to understand how these experiences and emotions changed over the course of six months, in dental trainees and primary dental care staff in Scotland.
Methods: A longitudinal diary study was conducted (June—December 2020) with dental trainees and primary dental care staff. The diary asked respondents to answer three questions related to their emotional exhaustion, on a weekly basis. There was also an open question asking respondents to describe any significant issues or concerns they had experienced during the preceding week because of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their work or training. This qualitative data was explored using a trajectory analysis approach to determine specifically changes over time.
Results: The trajectory analysis revealed several key concerns prevalent amongst respondents, and how they fluctuated over the six months. Concerns included: the impact of the pandemic on respondents' future careers and on dentistry more generally; adapting to new working environments; the impact on their patients' dental treatment and oral health; the impact on their health and wellbeing; financial considerations and adjusting to new safety measures as part of the remobilization of dental services.
Discussion: In the second half of 2020, as the UK was adjusting to the introduction of new COVID-19 safety measures in everyday life, the dental profession were grappling with significant changes to their working environment, including PPE, redeployment, use of aerosol generating procedures (AGPs), and timelines for re-opening practices. This longitudinal diary study has shown some parts of the dental profession in Scotland expressed very varied and personal concerns and anxieties related to COVID-19. Respondents' candor in their diary entries revealed explicit, frequent and high levels of uncertainty and worry related to their training and career. Collectively, the data corpus highlighted the emotional toll these anxieties have taken on the dental professions in Scotland.
Conclusion: These findings demonstrate the need for (a) increased provision of mental health and wellbeing support services for dental staff and (b) the study of the linkage between organization of pandemic management to the working practices of staff delivering services. Interventions, at various levels, should take into consideration the fluctuating nature of dental professionals' concerns and anxieties over time, to address both immediate and longer-term issues.
Infection control (IC) practice routines depend mainly on knowledge, perception, and awareness of a disease among dental professionals. However, there has been no report on the perception, awareness, and adaptability to the new practice guidelines of Thai dental professionals (dentists, dental nurses, dental assistants, and dental technicians) to the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aims to investigate how dental professionals in Thailand perceive and are aware of COVID-19, and how they have changed their IC practices in response to the pandemic. Online cross-sectional surveys using convenience sampling during September 2021 were sent to Thai dental professionals. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the Chi-square test. Statistical analysis was performed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences, version 22.0. The tests were two-tailed, with a significance level of p < 0.05 and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). The 1,177 dental professionals who completed the questionnaire were from the public and private sectors. Most respondents obtained their knowledge about COVID-19 from social media (91.8%). 86.7% had adapted to the new IC practice guidelines. The respondents reported that they had modified their work practices in several aspects; changes in administrative control, 1,039 (88.3%); enhancing local source control of dental aerosols, 1,031 (87.6%); heightening sterilization and disinfection procedures, 1,032 (87.7%); and improving the ventilation system, 994 (84.5%). As of October 2021, 1,162 (98.7%) respondents were vaccinated, and 47 (3.99%) had tested positive for COVID-19 compared with 2.30% in the general population. Among infected individuals, 10 (21.3%) were suspected of being infected while working in the dental setting. In conclusion, with an average worry score well over 4.10 out of 5, more than 96% of Thai dental professionals reported seeking updated knowledge and agreed that escalation of IC measures was needed. However, only 86.7% improved their COVID-19 infection prevention practices in 4 aspects and appropriate PPE use. The infection rate in dental professionals was 3.99%, with the highest infection rate in dental assistants. Despite statistical insignificance of infection rate between changed and unchanged group, it cannot be concluded that stricter IC measures are negligible as ones might contract disease from setting other than work.