It is estimated that more than one million sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are acquired every day worldwide. Many of these infections are asymptomatic. STIs have a direct impact on reproductive and sexual health and can cause infertility, pregnancy complications, and cancer.
Today, January 14th, we observe STI Awareness Day. STI Awareness Day provides us with the opportunity to get people thinking about their sexual health, remove any stigma surrounding STI testing, and encourage good sexual habits.
It is in this spirit that Frontiers is launching two article collections to coincide with this awareness day. This occasion not only offers an opportunity to share information and encourage testing but also consider the importance of STI prevention.
This Frontiers in Reproductive Health Research Topic ‘Diagnosis and Control of STIs in LMICs’, is one of two Research Topics which aim to improve education and increase awareness of STIs and STI prevention, and provide a platform to give more people the confidence to take the steps needed for good sexual health.
Topics may include, but are by no means limited to:
1. Point of care tests for rapid diagnosis of STIs
2. Newer therapeutics for the treatment of STIs
3. Impact of STIs on maternal and neonatal health
4. Barriers to accessing reproductive health services in key populations
5. Changes in the epidemiology of Genital Ulcer Diseases in LMICs and its impact on the Syndromic Management
6. Roles of digital innovations for the prevention and control of STIs in LMICs
7. Patient confidentiality in sexual health services in LMICs
8. Impact of partner notification in the management of STIs
You can view the second STI Awareness Day topic 'STI Services and Public Engagement'