Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) has been defined as “A state whereby the amount and quality of land resources, necessary to support ecosystem functions and services and enhance food security, remains stable or increases within specified temporal and spatial scales and ecosystems”.
As an accelerator of the Sustainable Development Goal 15.3, LDN recognizes that human land use may negatively impact natural resources or ecosystem functions in one part of the landscape (or point in time), but contends that through careful management such losses can be balanced by recovery and restoration in other parts of the landscape (or points in time). LDN focuses on maintaining and enhancing food security and sustainability while realizing complementary goals for biodiversity, carbon sequestration, social justice, and equity.
In practice, the application and success of LDN in drylands varies greatly depending on targeted ecosystem services and the impacts of political, economic, institutional, and environmental conditions on the efficacy and sustainability of restoration approaches. The goal of the Research Topic is to gather original articles reporting on successes, challenges, and failures of ecosystem management, sustainability, and restoration in drylands that will inform and improve dryland LDN approaches in the future.
The aim of this Research Topic is to collect high-quality research papers from different geographical regions on the implementation and evaluation of Land Degradation Neutrality approaches in the drylands. We welcome submissions of original research articles, reviews, and perspectives on the following sub-topics:
(1) Applications of ecological restoration and contributions to reducing land degradation and LDN in drylands.
(2) Monitoring and modeling of LDN in drylands.
(3) Impacts of climate variability and climate change on land degradation, the effectiveness of ecological restoration, and dryland LDN.
(4) The role of political, cultural, economic, and institutional environments on LDN success in drylands.
Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) has been defined as “A state whereby the amount and quality of land resources, necessary to support ecosystem functions and services and enhance food security, remains stable or increases within specified temporal and spatial scales and ecosystems”.
As an accelerator of the Sustainable Development Goal 15.3, LDN recognizes that human land use may negatively impact natural resources or ecosystem functions in one part of the landscape (or point in time), but contends that through careful management such losses can be balanced by recovery and restoration in other parts of the landscape (or points in time). LDN focuses on maintaining and enhancing food security and sustainability while realizing complementary goals for biodiversity, carbon sequestration, social justice, and equity.
In practice, the application and success of LDN in drylands varies greatly depending on targeted ecosystem services and the impacts of political, economic, institutional, and environmental conditions on the efficacy and sustainability of restoration approaches. The goal of the Research Topic is to gather original articles reporting on successes, challenges, and failures of ecosystem management, sustainability, and restoration in drylands that will inform and improve dryland LDN approaches in the future.
The aim of this Research Topic is to collect high-quality research papers from different geographical regions on the implementation and evaluation of Land Degradation Neutrality approaches in the drylands. We welcome submissions of original research articles, reviews, and perspectives on the following sub-topics:
(1) Applications of ecological restoration and contributions to reducing land degradation and LDN in drylands.
(2) Monitoring and modeling of LDN in drylands.
(3) Impacts of climate variability and climate change on land degradation, the effectiveness of ecological restoration, and dryland LDN.
(4) The role of political, cultural, economic, and institutional environments on LDN success in drylands.