Loading...Editorial09 September 2022Editorial: Rising stars in red blood cell physiology: 2022Angelo D’Alessandro1,709 views2 citations
Loading...Review12 September 2022Structural and mechanical properties of the red blood cell’s cytoplasmic membrane seen through the lens of biophysicsSebastian Himbert and Maikel C. Rheinstädter10,239 views13 citations
Loading...Original Research13 July 2022Plasma Levels of Acyl-Carnitines and Carboxylic Acids Correlate With Cardiovascular and Kidney Function in Subjects With Sickle Cell TraitTravis Nemkov, 5 more and Angelo D’Alessandro3,165 views14 citations
Loading...Original Research04 July 2022Red Blood Cell Morphologic Abnormalities in Patients Hospitalized for COVID-19Giacomo Marchi, 10 more and Alice Vianello5,487 views21 citations
Brief Research Report08 June 2022Innate Variability in Physiological and Omics Aspects of the Beta Thalassemia Trait-Specific Donor Variation EffectsAlkmini T. Anastasiadi, 8 more and Marianna H. Antonelou1,681 views8 citations
Brief Research Report01 June 2022Early and Late-Phase 24 h Responses of Stored Red Blood Cells to Recipient-Mimicking ConditionsVassilis L. Tzounakas, 8 more and Marianna H. Antonelou1,544 views5 citations