Innovations in Reproductive Health Technology and Service Delivery

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Background: For individuals who face challenges accessing clinic-based HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), differentiated service delivery models are needed to expand access and reach. During a pilot study testing a novel pharmacy-delivered oral PrEP model in Kenya, we used routine programmatic data to identify early implementation barriers and actions that providers and study staff took in response to the barriers.

Methods: We trained pharmacy providers at five private pharmacies in Kisumu and Kiambu Counties to initiate and continue clients at risk of HIV acquisition on PrEP for a fee of 300 KES per visit (∼$3 USD) using a prescribing checklist with remote clinician oversight. Research assistants stationed at the pharmacies completed weekly observation reports of pharmacy-delivered PrEP services using a structured template. We analyzed reports from the first 6 month of implementation using content analysis and identified multi-level early implementation barriers and actions taken to address these. We then organized the identified barriers and actions according to the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR).

Results: From November 2020 to May 2021, research assistants completed 74 observation reports (∼18/pharmacy). During this period, pharmacy providers screened 496 potential PrEP clients, identified 425 as eligible for pharmacy-delivered PrEP services, and initiated 230 (54%) on PrEP; 125 of 197 (63%) clients eligible for PrEP continuation refilled PrEP. We identified the following early implementation barriers to pharmacy-delivered PrEP services (by CFIR domain): high costs to clients (intervention characteristics), client discomfort discussing sexual behaviors and HIV testing with providers (outer setting), provider frustrations that PrEP delivery was time-consuming and disruptive to their workflow (inner setting), and provider hesitancy to deliver PrEP due to concerns about encouraging sexual promiscuity (characteristics of individuals). To help address these, pharmacy providers implemented a self-screening option for behavioral HIV risk assessment for prospective PrEP clients, allowed flexible appointment scheduling, and conducted pharmacy PrEP trainings for newly hired staff.

Conclusion: Our study provides insight into early barriers to implementing pharmacy-delivered PrEP services in Kenya and potential actions to mitigate these barriers. It also demonstrates how routine programmatic data can be used to understand the early implementation process.

11 citations
Original Research
05 December 2022

Introduction: Despite the potential for community-based approaches to increase access to pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for adolescent girls and young women (AGYW), there is limited evidence of whether and how they improve PrEP persistence. We compared PrEP persistence among AGYW receiving services through community and hybrid models in Namibia to facility-based services. We subsequently identify potential mechanisms to explain how and why community and hybrid models achieved (or not) improved persistence to inform further service delivery innovation.

Methods: Data were collected from PrEP service delivery to AGYW over two-years in Namibia's Khomas Region. We used Kaplan-Meier analysis to estimate survival curves for PrEP persistence beyond three-months after initiation and report the cumulative probability of persistence at one- and three-months. Persistence was defined as any PrEP use within three months after initiation followed by a PrEP refill or previously prescribed supply of at least 30 days at the three-month visit. Interviews were conducted with 28 AGYW and 19 providers and analyzed using a deductive-inductive thematic approach.

Results: From October 2017 through September 2019, 372 (18.7%) AGYW received services through a facility model, 302 (15.1%) through a community model, and 1,320 (66.2%) through a hybrid model. PrEP persistence at one- and three-months was 41.2% and 34.9% in the community model and 6.2% and 4.8% in the hybrid model compared to 36.8% and 26.7% in the facility model. Within the community and hybrid models, we identified three potential mechanisms related to PrEP persistence. Individualized service delivery offered convenience and simplicity which enabled AGYW to overcome barriers to obtaining refills but did not work as well for highly mobile AGYW. Consistent interactions and shared experiences fostered social connectedness with providers and with peers, building social networks and support systems for PrEP use. PrEP and HIV-related stigma, however, was widely experienced outside of these networks. Community-to-facility referral for PrEP refill triggered apprehension towards unfamiliar PrEP services and providers in AGYW, which discouraged persistence.

Conclusion: Service delivery approaches that offer convenience and simplicity and foster social connectedness may reduce access barriers and increase social support enabling AGYW to self-manage their PrEP use and achieve improved PrEP persistence.

9 citations
Original Research
18 August 2022

Contraceptive self-injection (SI) is a new self-care practice with potential to transform women's family planning access by putting a popular method, injectable contraception, directly into the hands of users. Research shows that SI is feasible and acceptable; evidence regarding how to design and implement SI programs under real-world conditions is still needed. This evaluation examined women's experiences when self-injection of subcutaneous depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA-SC) was introduced in Uganda alongside other contraceptive options in the context of informed choice. We conducted structured survey interviews with 958 randomly selected SI clients trained in three districts in 2019. SI clients demonstrated their injection technique on a model to permit an assessment of injection proficiency. A randomly selected subset of 200 were re-interviewed 10–17 months post-training to understand resupply experiences, waste disposal practices and continuation. Finally, we conducted survey interviews with a random sample of 200 clients who participated in training but declined to self-inject. Data were analyzed using Stata IC/14.2. Differences between groups were measured using chi square and t-tests. Multivariate analyses predicting injection proficiency and SI adoption employed mixed effects logistic regression. Nearly three quarters of SI clients (73%) were able to demonstrate injection proficiency without additional instruction from a provider. Years of education, having received a complete training, practicing, and taking home a job aid were associated with higher odds of proficiency. Self-reported satisfaction and continuation were high, with 93% reinjecting independently 3 months post-training. However, a substantial share of those trained opted not to self-inject. Being single, having a partner supportive of family planning use, training with a job aid, practicing, witnessing a demonstration and exposure to a full training were associated with higher odds of becoming an SI client; conversely, those trained in a group had reduced odds of becoming an SI client. The self-care program was successful for the majority of women who became self-injectors, enabling most women to demonstrate SI proficiency. Nearly all those who opted to self-inject reinjected independently, and the majority continued self-injecting for at least 1 year. Additional research should identify strategies to facilitate adoption by women who wish to self-inject but face challenges.

3 citations
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Frontiers in Global Women's Health

Climate, Gender, and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights: Intersectional Approaches and Evidence to Inform Policy, Research, and Programs for a Gender-Just Transition
Edited by Rasha Dabash, Wendy Sheldon, Sudirman Nasir, Sally Dijkerman, Adedamola Adebayo, Jai Das
06 January 2025
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