With the intensification of human activities, the world is currently in the most dramatic period of climate change. Climate changes have a profound impact on the terrestrial ecosystem carbon (C) cycle and have a negative impact on the world food security. Therefore, how to mitigate climate change has become an urgent problem. Soil contains about twice as much C as the atmosphere and three times as much terrestrial biomass and plays a crucial role in the global C cycle. Forest ecosystem is the largest C pool in terrestrial ecosystem. Soil C pool accounts for 45% of forest ecosystem carbon stock. Climate changes could affect forest soil C flux, leading to positive or negative feedback from forests to the atmosphere. Therefore, forest soil C sequestration is an effective way to mitigate climate changes.
This research topic will provide an overview of the current understanding of the effects of climate change on forest soil C processes. Soil C processes are regulated by several factors, including aboveground litter, root turnover, rhizosphere exudates, microbial decomposition and physicochemical properties. With the intensification of climate change factors, predicting forest soil C processes is becoming more challenging nowadays. Therefore, we need a comprehensive understanding of the underlying mechanisms of forest soil C processes in response to climate changes. These studies will provide important scientific evidence for mitigating climate change promoting better atmospheric decarbonization and further enriching the theories of C processes.
This research topic will focus on the driving mechanisms of forest soil C fate in the context of climate change. We welcome studies from field manipulative experiments, incubation experiments and Earth process model simulations. Climate change factors include, for instance, climate warming, nitrogen deposition and precipitation regime changes. We aim to bring together studies about forest soil sources across different biomes: from tropical rain forests to mountain forests, seasonally dry forests, savannas, temperate woodlands, and high-latitude boreal forests. These studies can be to assess the driving mechanisms of past and present forest C processes and predict its fate in the future.
With the intensification of human activities, the world is currently in the most dramatic period of climate change. Climate changes have a profound impact on the terrestrial ecosystem carbon (C) cycle and have a negative impact on the world food security. Therefore, how to mitigate climate change has become an urgent problem. Soil contains about twice as much C as the atmosphere and three times as much terrestrial biomass and plays a crucial role in the global C cycle. Forest ecosystem is the largest C pool in terrestrial ecosystem. Soil C pool accounts for 45% of forest ecosystem carbon stock. Climate changes could affect forest soil C flux, leading to positive or negative feedback from forests to the atmosphere. Therefore, forest soil C sequestration is an effective way to mitigate climate changes.
This research topic will provide an overview of the current understanding of the effects of climate change on forest soil C processes. Soil C processes are regulated by several factors, including aboveground litter, root turnover, rhizosphere exudates, microbial decomposition and physicochemical properties. With the intensification of climate change factors, predicting forest soil C processes is becoming more challenging nowadays. Therefore, we need a comprehensive understanding of the underlying mechanisms of forest soil C processes in response to climate changes. These studies will provide important scientific evidence for mitigating climate change promoting better atmospheric decarbonization and further enriching the theories of C processes.
This research topic will focus on the driving mechanisms of forest soil C fate in the context of climate change. We welcome studies from field manipulative experiments, incubation experiments and Earth process model simulations. Climate change factors include, for instance, climate warming, nitrogen deposition and precipitation regime changes. We aim to bring together studies about forest soil sources across different biomes: from tropical rain forests to mountain forests, seasonally dry forests, savannas, temperate woodlands, and high-latitude boreal forests. These studies can be to assess the driving mechanisms of past and present forest C processes and predict its fate in the future.