Introduction: Narrow Band Imaging (NBI) is an endoscopic visualization technique useful for upper aero-digestive tract (UADT) cancer detection and margins evaluation. However, NBI analysis is strongly operator-dependent and requires high expertise, thus limiting its wider implementation. Recently, artificial intelligence (AI) has demonstrated potential for applications in UADT videoendoscopy. Among AI methods, deep learning algorithms, and especially convolutional neural networks (CNNs), are particularly suitable for delineating cancers on videoendoscopy. This study is aimed to develop a CNN for automatic semantic segmentation of UADT cancer on endoscopic images.
Materials and Methods: A dataset of white light and NBI videoframes of laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma (LSCC) was collected and manually annotated. A novel DL segmentation model (SegMENT) was designed. SegMENT relies on DeepLabV3+ CNN architecture, modified using Xception as a backbone and incorporating ensemble features from other CNNs. The performance of SegMENT was compared to state-of-the-art CNNs (UNet, ResUNet, and DeepLabv3). SegMENT was then validated on two external datasets of NBI images of oropharyngeal (OPSCC) and oral cavity SCC (OSCC) obtained from a previously published study. The impact of in-domain transfer learning through an ensemble technique was evaluated on the external datasets.
Results: 219 LSCC patients were retrospectively included in the study. A total of 683 videoframes composed the LSCC dataset, while the external validation cohorts of OPSCC and OCSCC contained 116 and 102 images. On the LSCC dataset, SegMENT outperformed the other DL models, obtaining the following median values: 0.68 intersection over union (IoU), 0.81 dice similarity coefficient (DSC), 0.95 recall, 0.78 precision, 0.97 accuracy. For the OCSCC and OPSCC datasets, results were superior compared to previously published data: the median performance metrics were, respectively, improved as follows: DSC=10.3% and 11.9%, recall=15.0% and 5.1%, precision=17.0% and 14.7%, accuracy=4.1% and 10.3%.
Conclusion: SegMENT achieved promising performances, showing that automatic tumor segmentation in endoscopic images is feasible even within the highly heterogeneous and complex UADT environment. SegMENT outperformed the previously published results on the external validation cohorts. The model demonstrated potential for improved detection of early tumors, more precise biopsies, and better selection of resection margins.
Patients and their surgeons face a complex and evolving set of choices in the process of shared decision making. The plan of care must be tailored to individual patient risk factors and values, though objective estimates of risk can be elusive, and these risk factors are often modifiable and can alter the plan of care. Machine learning can perform real-time predictions of outcomes, though these technologies are limited by usability and interpretability. Gamification, or the use of game elements in non-game contexts, may be able to incorporate machine learning technology to help patients optimize their pre-operative risks, reduce in-hospital complications, and hasten recovery. This article proposes a theoretical mobile application to help guide decision making and provide evidence-based, tangible goals for patients and surgeons with the goal of achieving the best possible operative outcome that aligns with patient values.
Background: Neuroimaging differentiation of glioblastoma, primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL) and solitary brain metastasis (BM) remains challenging in specific cases showing similar appearances or atypical features. Overall, advanced MRI protocols have high diagnostic reliability, but their limited worldwide availability, coupled with the overlapping of specific neuroimaging features among tumor subgroups, represent significant drawbacks and entail disparities in the planning and management of these oncological patients.
Objective: To evaluate the classification performance metrics of a deep learning algorithm trained on T1-weighted gadolinium-enhanced (T1Gd) MRI scans of glioblastomas, atypical PCNSLs and BMs.
Materials and Methods: We enrolled 121 patients (glioblastoma: n=47; PCNSL: n=37; BM: n=37) who had undergone preoperative T1Gd-MRI and histopathological confirmation. Each lesion was segmented, and all ROIs were exported in a DICOM dataset. The patient cohort was then split in a training and hold-out test sets following a 70/30 ratio. A Resnet101 model, a deep neural network (DNN), was trained on the training set and validated on the hold-out test set to differentiate glioblastomas, PCNSLs and BMs on T1Gd-MRI scans.
Results: The DNN achieved optimal classification performance in distinguishing PCNSLs (AUC: 0.98; 95%CI: 0.95 - 1.00) and glioblastomas (AUC: 0.90; 95%CI: 0.81 - 0.97) and moderate ability in differentiating BMs (AUC: 0.81; 95%CI: 0.70 - 0.95). This performance may allow clinicians to correctly identify patients eligible for lesion biopsy or surgical resection.
Conclusion: We trained and internally validated a deep learning model able to reliably differentiate ambiguous cases of PCNSLs, glioblastoma and BMs by means of T1Gd-MRI. The proposed predictive model may provide a low-cost, easily-accessible and high-speed decision-making support for eligibility to diagnostic brain biopsy or maximal tumor resection in atypical cases.