Safety and Child Health of Assisted Reproduction Technology (ART)


Objective: To evaluate the clinical outcomes and maternal-neonatal safety of gonadotropin releasing hormone antagonist (GnRH-ant) and gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist (GnRH-a) protocols.

Methods: A total of 2505 women undergoing their first in vitro fertilization (IVF)/intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) were retrospectively analyzed. Patients were divided into GnRH-ant group (n = 1514) and GnRH-a group (n = 991) according their stimulation protocol. Propensity Score Matching (PSM) was used for balancing the baseline of two groups. The pregnancy outcomes were analyzed in fresh transfer cycles, and the obstetric and perinatal outcomes were calculated in singleton live births of fresh cycles. The primary outcome was the live birth rate. The secondary outcome measures were maternal complications, preterm birth rate, low birthweight rate, multiple pregnancy rate, and moderate-severe OHSS rate.

Results: After 1:1 PSM, baseline characteristics of the GnRH-ant group and GnRH-a group were matched and assigned 991 cycles in each group. Before PSM, there were 700 fresh cycles including 237 singleton live births in the GnRH-ant group and 588 fresh cycles including 187 singleton live births in the GnRH-a group. After PSM, there were 471 fresh cycles including 166 singleton live births in the GnRH-ant group and 588 fresh cycles including 187 singleton live births in the GnRH-a group. No significant differences were observed in the live birth rate (44.6% vs 48.8%), maternal complications, preterm birth rate (9.0% vs 6.4%), and low birthweight rate (17.5% vs 24.1%) between two groups after PSM (P > 0.05). The moderate-severe OHSS rate (2.9% vs 6.0%, P = 0.002) and multiple pregnancy rate (24.5% vs 33.1%, P = 0.025) was significantly lower in the GnRH-ant group than that in the GnRH-a group after PSM.

Conclusion: GnRH-ant protocol was comparable with GnRH-a protocol in clinical outcomes, obstetric and perinatal outcomes, and with a lower risk of OHSS. For those who want to get an effective and safe outcome, and a shorter treatment period, GnRH-ant is a suitable choice.

16 citations
12 citations
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12 citations
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Original Research
03 June 2022

Objective: This study aims to evaluate the association between polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) phenotypes and adverse perinatal outcomes, comparing the characteristics, ovarian response, and assisted reproductive outcomes in patients with various PCOS phenotypes after in-vitro fertilization (IVF)/intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).

Methods: This study comprised 6,732 patients who underwent the first cycle of IVF/ICSI treatment in our outpatient department from January 2017 to July 2018. Propensity score matching (PSM) was used in PCOS and non-PCOS groups to balance the influence of intergroup confounding factors. After the PSM procedure, 1,186 patients were included in the two groups, and the PCOS patients were further divided into four PCOS phenotype groups based on the Rotterdam criteria.

Results: Patients with various PCOS phenotypes had similar rates of biochemical pregnancy, clinical pregnancy, and live birth (all P-values > 0.05). The overall incidence of adverse pregnancy outcomes (including ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, preterm birth) was significantly higher in PCOS phenotype A and D groups than in the control group (44% and 46.4% vs. 28.7%, P = 0.027). The rates of hypertensive disorder of pregnancy (HDP) were significantly higher in PCOS phenotype A and C groups than in the control group (9.3% and 12.5% vs. 3.1%, P = 0.037). After adjustment for potential confounders, the differences in adverse pregnancy outcomes persisted (P = 0.025).

Conclusions: The overall incidence of adverse pregnancy outcomes is higher in women with PCOS phenotypes A and D than in women with non-PCOS.

13 citations

Objective: To study the influence of the previous cesarean section on the pregnancy outcomes and perinatal outcomes in single embryo transfer (SET) cycles in an in vitro fertilization/intracytoplasmic sperm injection-embryo transfer (IVF/ICSI-ET) setting compared to those with previous vaginal delivery (VD). In addition, the association between fertility outcomes and different cesarean scar defect (CSD) sizes was studied.

Method: This was a retrospective cohort study conducted in the Reproductive Center of the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University. A total of 4,879 patients with previous delivery history undergoing SET were included between January 2015 and April 2019. Patients were divided into the VD group and cesarean delivery (CD) group according to different modes of previous delivery. The primary outcome was live birth rate. The pregnancy outcomes of CD were analyzed as a subgroup and the relationship between pregnancy outcomes as well as the different sizes of CSD were explored by logistic regression analysis.

Results: There were no significant differences in live birth rate, clinical pregnancy rate, and miscarriage rate between the CD group and VD group. The incidence rates of pregnancy complications such as pregnancy hypertension, gestational diabetes mellitus, placenta abnormalities, premature rupture of membrane, and postpartum hemorrhage were similar in the two groups. Live birth rate was significantly lower in the CSD group (23.77% vs 37.01%, aOR: 0.609, 95% CI: 0.476-0.778) comparing to patients without CSD. There were also significant differences in clinical pregnancy rate (37.52% vs 47.64%, aOR: 0.779, 95%CI: 0.623-0.973) and miscarriage rate (34.55% vs 20.59%, aOR: 1.407, 95%CI:1.03-1.923). Large size CSD significantly decreased live birth rate (13.33% vs 26.29%, aOR: 0.422, 95%CI: 0.197-0.902) and clinical pregnancy rate (25.33% vs 40.09%, aOR: 0.503, 95%CI: 0.272-0.930) compared with small size CSD.

Conclusion: For women with previous cesarean sections, the pregnancy outcomes were similar to those with previous VD without increased perinatal complications following SET. The presence of CSD was associated with a marked reduction in live birth rate, especially in patients with large size CSD.

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