Quantum coherence and correlation lie at the heart of quantum mechanics. Uniquely, quantum coherence and correlation can be created and controlled with electromagnetic waves in finite systems, such as trapped ultracold atoms and ions, Rydberg atom ensembles, and superconducting circuits. Inspirited by the unprecedented level of controllability available in these quantum systems, growing efforts have been spent on seeking quantum simulation, quantum computation, quantum metrology, and quantum information processing applications. In the past decades, milestone achievements, e.g., high-fidelity qubit manipulation, small-scale quantum computation, analog and digital quantum simulation as well as sensing weak quantities, have been demonstrated experimentally. To develop future quantum technologies, we need to take one step forward to gain a deep understanding of quantum coherence and correlation through thorough theoretical and experimental investigation and to designate new, radically different protocols to manipulate and control quantum coherence and correlations in these quantum systems.
This Research Topic aims to bring a wide range of researchers together to tackle existing challenges and explore new opportunities by making use of the controllability in finite quantum systems. We will explore applications of quantum coherence in nonlinear optics, spectroscopy, metrology, cooling and trapping, and interferometers, as well as applications of correlations in quantum many-body dynamics, quantum entanglement, quantum simulation, quantum computation and quantum information processing. Different physical systems exhibit various advantages in certain aspects for quantum computation and information processing. We will exploit these advantages, optimize existing and develop new engineering and control techniques for quantum technological applications.
In this Research Topic, high-quality Original Research, Review, and Brief Research Report of experimental and theoretical works on the following areas (but not restricted to) are welcome.
1. High fidelity entangling gate
2. Quantum state engineering and control
3. Quantum computation and simulation
4. Many-body entanglement
5. Quantum sensing and metrology
6. Generation and control of spin-spin interaction
7. Hamiltonian and dissipative dynamics
8. Quantum phase transition
Quantum coherence and correlation lie at the heart of quantum mechanics. Uniquely, quantum coherence and correlation can be created and controlled with electromagnetic waves in finite systems, such as trapped ultracold atoms and ions, Rydberg atom ensembles, and superconducting circuits. Inspirited by the unprecedented level of controllability available in these quantum systems, growing efforts have been spent on seeking quantum simulation, quantum computation, quantum metrology, and quantum information processing applications. In the past decades, milestone achievements, e.g., high-fidelity qubit manipulation, small-scale quantum computation, analog and digital quantum simulation as well as sensing weak quantities, have been demonstrated experimentally. To develop future quantum technologies, we need to take one step forward to gain a deep understanding of quantum coherence and correlation through thorough theoretical and experimental investigation and to designate new, radically different protocols to manipulate and control quantum coherence and correlations in these quantum systems.
This Research Topic aims to bring a wide range of researchers together to tackle existing challenges and explore new opportunities by making use of the controllability in finite quantum systems. We will explore applications of quantum coherence in nonlinear optics, spectroscopy, metrology, cooling and trapping, and interferometers, as well as applications of correlations in quantum many-body dynamics, quantum entanglement, quantum simulation, quantum computation and quantum information processing. Different physical systems exhibit various advantages in certain aspects for quantum computation and information processing. We will exploit these advantages, optimize existing and develop new engineering and control techniques for quantum technological applications.
In this Research Topic, high-quality Original Research, Review, and Brief Research Report of experimental and theoretical works on the following areas (but not restricted to) are welcome.
1. High fidelity entangling gate
2. Quantum state engineering and control
3. Quantum computation and simulation
4. Many-body entanglement
5. Quantum sensing and metrology
6. Generation and control of spin-spin interaction
7. Hamiltonian and dissipative dynamics
8. Quantum phase transition