Apart from oxygenic photosynthesis, the extent of manganese utilization in bacteria varies from species to species and also appears to depend on external conditions. This observation is in striking contrast to iron, which is similar to manganese but essential for the vast majority of bacteria. To adequately explain the role of manganese in pathogens, we first present in this review that the accumulation of molecular oxygen in the Earth’s atmosphere was a key event that linked manganese utilization to iron utilization and put pressure on the use of manganese in general. We devote a large part of our contribution to explanation of how molecular oxygen interferes with iron so that it enhances oxidative stress in cells, and how bacteria have learned to control the concentration of free iron in the cytosol. The functioning of iron in the presence of molecular oxygen serves as a springboard for a fundamental understanding of why manganese is so valued by bacterial pathogens. The bulk of this review addresses how manganese can replace iron in enzymes. Redox-active enzymes must cope with the higher redox potential of manganese compared to iron. Therefore, specific manganese-dependent isoenzymes have evolved that either lower the redox potential of the bound metal or use a stronger oxidant. In contrast, redox-inactive enzymes can exchange the metal directly within the individual active site, so no isoenzymes are required. It appears that in the physiological context, only redox-inactive mononuclear or dinuclear enzymes are capable of replacing iron with manganese within the same active site. In both cases, cytosolic conditions play an important role in the selection of the metal used. In conclusion, we summarize both well-characterized and less-studied mechanisms of the tug-of-war for manganese between host and pathogen.
Manganese (Mn) and Zinc (Zn) are essential micronutrients whose concentration and location within cells are tightly regulated at the onset of infection. Two families of Zn transporters (ZIPs and ZnTs) are largely responsible for regulation of cytosolic Zn levels and to a certain extent, Mn levels, although much less is known regarding Mn. The capacity of pathogens to persevere also depends on access to micronutrients, yet a fundamental gap in knowledge remains regarding the importance of metal exchange at the host interface, often referred to as nutritional immunity. ZIP8, one of 14 ZIPs, is a pivotal importer of both Zn and Mn, yet much remains to be known. Dietary Zn deficiency is common and commonly occurring polymorphic variants of ZIP8 that decrease cellular metal uptake (Zn and Mn), are associated with increased susceptibility to infection. Strikingly, ZIP8 is the only Zn transporter that is highly induced following bacterial exposure in key immune cells involved with host defense against leading pathogens. We postulate that mobilization of Zn and Mn into key cells orchestrates the innate immune response through regulation of fundamental defense mechanisms that include phagocytosis, signal transduction, and production of soluble host defense factors including cytokines and chemokines. New evidence also suggests that host metal uptake may have long-term consequences by influencing the adaptive immune response. Given that activation of ZIP8 expression by pathogens has been shown to influence parenchymal, myeloid, and lymphoid cells, the impact applies to all mucosal surfaces and tissue compartments that are vulnerable to infection. We also predict that perturbations in metal homeostasis, either genetic- or dietary-induced, has the potential to impact bacterial communities in the host thereby adversely impacting microbiome composition. This review will focus on Zn and Mn transport via ZIP8, and how this vital metal transporter serves as a “go to” conductor of metal uptake that bolsters host defense against pathogens. We will also leverage past studies to underscore areas for future research to better understand the Zn-, Mn- and ZIP8-dependent host response to infection to foster new micronutrient-based intervention strategies to improve our ability to prevent or treat commonly occurring infectious disease.
Pathogenic streptococci require manganese for survival in the host. In response to invading pathogens, the host recruits nutritional immune effectors at infection sites to withhold manganese from the pathogens and control bacterial growth. The manganese scarcity impairs several streptococcal processes including oxidative stress defenses, de novo DNA synthesis, bacterial survival, and virulence. Emerging evidence suggests that pathogens also encounter manganese toxicity during infection and manganese excess impacts streptococcal virulence by manganese mismetallation of non-cognate molecular targets involved in bacterial antioxidant defenses and cell division. To counter host-imposed manganese stress, the streptococcal species employ a sophisticated sensory system that tightly coordinates manganese stress-specific molecular strategies to negate host induced manganese stress and proliferate in the host. Here we review the molecular details of host-streptococcal interactions in the battle for manganese during infection and the significance of streptococcal effectors involved to bacterial pathophysiology.