Immunogenetics has passed long journey since its formal establishment in the second half of the last century. Originally practically and medically oriented towards ensuring histocompatibility (optimal match between organ/stem cell donor and its recipient) in transplantation, it has evolved into a fully independent scientific discipline. Having a solid background in basic, both human and animal immunobiological science, immunogenetics possesses wide translational potential not only for transplantation and immune-mediated disease but also for the development of novel diagnostics and therapeutics e.g. in pharmacogenetics and vaccinology to name a few. Immunogenetics has an intimate relationship with modern technologies including OMICs sciences - it has been benefiting from those and at the same time, it was a driving force facilitating their development.
For its inaugural research topic within Immunogenetics / Frontiers in Genetics, we invite immunogeneticists from all research and application fields to showcase the results of their own investigations as original papers or to provide balanced summaries of particular areas in
formats of reviews, minireviews or opinion/hypothesis papers.
The submissions may refer to the following areas/topics, these are however examples and submissions are not limited to those:
- Immune response genes in their broad context, including population immunogenetics & anthropology, and evolution;
- Regulation of immune response, in physiological state and pathophysiological situations/disorders, including current and emerging infectious disease;
- Translational (i.e. “Clinical”) Immunogenetics and applications towards personalized medicine incl. Transplantation, Immunotherapy, Disease Associations;
- Methods in Immunogenetics: laboratory, Bionformatics, Genetic epidemiology and Statistics etc.;
- Data in Immunogenetics (databases of gene variants, repositories and other resources, workshops);
- Applications of Immunogenetics to neighbouring areas and mutual interactions with Immunoinformatics, Immunomics, Genomics and other Omics sciences;
- Novel ideas and thoughts – hypotheses, opinions/counter-opinions etc. in the context of Immunogenetics theory and practice;
- “History“ of immunogenetics –how its finding and methods contributed to the evolution of personalized patient care.
Immunogenetics has passed long journey since its formal establishment in the second half of the last century. Originally practically and medically oriented towards ensuring histocompatibility (optimal match between organ/stem cell donor and its recipient) in transplantation, it has evolved into a fully independent scientific discipline. Having a solid background in basic, both human and animal immunobiological science, immunogenetics possesses wide translational potential not only for transplantation and immune-mediated disease but also for the development of novel diagnostics and therapeutics e.g. in pharmacogenetics and vaccinology to name a few. Immunogenetics has an intimate relationship with modern technologies including OMICs sciences - it has been benefiting from those and at the same time, it was a driving force facilitating their development.
For its inaugural research topic within Immunogenetics / Frontiers in Genetics, we invite immunogeneticists from all research and application fields to showcase the results of their own investigations as original papers or to provide balanced summaries of particular areas in
formats of reviews, minireviews or opinion/hypothesis papers.
The submissions may refer to the following areas/topics, these are however examples and submissions are not limited to those:
- Immune response genes in their broad context, including population immunogenetics & anthropology, and evolution;
- Regulation of immune response, in physiological state and pathophysiological situations/disorders, including current and emerging infectious disease;
- Translational (i.e. “Clinical”) Immunogenetics and applications towards personalized medicine incl. Transplantation, Immunotherapy, Disease Associations;
- Methods in Immunogenetics: laboratory, Bionformatics, Genetic epidemiology and Statistics etc.;
- Data in Immunogenetics (databases of gene variants, repositories and other resources, workshops);
- Applications of Immunogenetics to neighbouring areas and mutual interactions with Immunoinformatics, Immunomics, Genomics and other Omics sciences;
- Novel ideas and thoughts – hypotheses, opinions/counter-opinions etc. in the context of Immunogenetics theory and practice;
- “History“ of immunogenetics –how its finding and methods contributed to the evolution of personalized patient care.