Original Research
07 March 2023
Spatial distribution of the demersal chondrichthyan community from the western Mediterranean trawl bycatch
David Ruiz-García
6 more and 
Claudio Barría
The box of each plot is coloured referring to its respective response variable.

Introduction: Chondrichthyans (sharks, batoids and chimaeras) play key roles in the regulation of marine food webs dynamics. However, more than half of the assessed species in the Mediterranean are threatened, primarily by fishing pressure and compounded by habitat degradation and climate change. Nevertheless, there is an important knowledge gap in identifying the underlying drivers of their community structure and spatial distribution.

Methods and Results: We provide insights into the current bycatch rates of chondrichthyans in the western Mediterranean commercial bottom trawling fishery by accurately depicting the unaltered practices of the local fleet. A total of 17 species were recorded in the studied fishing grounds (ranging from 50 to 800 m deep), including 7 sharks, 9 batoids, and 1 chimaera, although the total catch was dominated by few species. Furthermore, we tested the effect of environmental and fishing-related factors on multiple community descriptors by using analysis of community structure (multidimensional scaling and analysis of similitude) and generalized linear mixed models to further understand the drivers of the chondrichthyan community distribution and structure. This study revealed the importance of combining environmental and anthropogenic drivers to further understand the spatial distribution patterns of chondrichthyan communities. Our results indicate that depth was the main driver of the community structure, with deeper areas within the fishing grounds hosting a higher diversity. Sea bottom temperature and substrate type also influenced the distribution of the community, with substrate effects changing depending on the intensity of fishing pressure. In all cases, density, biomass, and diversity of chondrichthyans were negatively impacted by increasing fishing effort.

Discussion: Understanding the drivers of the structure and distribution of the chondrichthyan community is crucial to understand the potential impacts that increased fishing pressure, habitat loss and global change may entail. The ongoing challenges that the Mediterranean chondrichthyans and their ecosystems are facing highlights the need for continued monitoring and improved chondrichthyan-focused fisheries management.

7 citations
Original Research
24 February 2023
Membership probabilities (q) for each individual from K = 2 to K = 8 are shown, see Table 1 for geographical location codes. Abbreviations are in accordance with Figure 1.
9 citations
Acronyms of geographical samples are given as in Table 1. Data points are coloured according to the DAPC scatterplot of Figure 2.
Original Research
30 November 2022
First evidence of population genetic structure of the deep-water blackmouth catshark Galeus melastomus Rafinesque, 1810
Simone Di Crescenzo
17 more and 
Fausto Tinti

Among the main measures adopted to reduce anthropogenic impacts on elasmobranch communities, understanding the ecology of deep-sea sharks is of paramount importance, especially for potentially vulnerable species highly represented in the bycatch composition of commercial fisheries such as the blackmouth catshark Galeus melastomus. In the present work, we unravelled the first indication of population genetic structure of G. melastomus by using a novel and effective panel of nuclear, and polymorphic DNA markers and compared our results with previous findings supporting high genetic connectivity at large spatial scales. Given the lack of species-specific nuclear markers, a total of 129 microsatellite loci (Simple Sequence Repeats, SSRs) were cross-amplified on blackmouth catshark specimens collected in eight geographically distant areas in the Mediterranean Sea and North-eastern Atlantic Ocean. A total of 13 SSRs were finally selected for genotyping, based on which the species exhibited signs of weak, but tangible genetic structure. The clearcut evidence of genetic differentiation of G. melastomus from Scottish waters from the rest of the population samples was defined, indicating that the species is genetically structured in the Mediterranean Sea and adjacent North-eastern Atlantic. Both individual and frequency-based analyses identified a genetic unit formed by the individuals collected in the Tyrrhenian Sea and the Strait of Sicily, distinguished from the rest of the Mediterranean and Portuguese samples. In addition, Bayesian analyses resolved a certain degree of separation of the easternmost Aegean sample and the admixed nature of the other Mediterranean and the Portuguese samples. Here, our results supported the hypothesis that the interaction between the ecology and biology of the species and abiotic drivers such as water circulations, temperature and bathymetry may affect the dispersion of G. melastomus, adding new information to the current knowledge of the connectivity of this deep-water species and providing powerful tools for estimating its response to anthropogenic impacts.

7 citations