Crosstalk between cardiovascular system and kidney becomes apparent when failure in one system negatively impacts the other in a negative loop. The term cardiorenal syndrome became more popular in the past 10 years and commonly refers to the collective dysfunction of heart and kidney resulting in a cascade of feedback mechanism causing damage to both organs and is associated with adverse clinical outcomes. Indeed, a large number of patients with acute decompensated heart failure present with various degrees of heart and kidney dysfunction.
Recently, cardiorenal syndrome has been categorized into 5 clinical subtypes that reflect the pathophysiology, the time frame, and the nature of concomitant cardiac and renal dysfunction. This clinical classification has raised interest on this condition, but the pathophysiology of this syndrome is still unclear and involves complex, multifactorial, and dynamic mechanisms. Some features are common in both heart failure and chronic kidney diseases, such as oxidative stress, inflammation and fibrosis leading to organ remodeling.
The goal of this collection is to present new concepts and potential interventions or drugs to better understand and potentially treat cardiovascular and kidney dysfunction during cardiorenal syndrome.
Crosstalk between cardiovascular system and kidney becomes apparent when failure in one system negatively impacts the other in a negative loop. The term cardiorenal syndrome became more popular in the past 10 years and commonly refers to the collective dysfunction of heart and kidney resulting in a cascade of feedback mechanism causing damage to both organs and is associated with adverse clinical outcomes. Indeed, a large number of patients with acute decompensated heart failure present with various degrees of heart and kidney dysfunction.
Recently, cardiorenal syndrome has been categorized into 5 clinical subtypes that reflect the pathophysiology, the time frame, and the nature of concomitant cardiac and renal dysfunction. This clinical classification has raised interest on this condition, but the pathophysiology of this syndrome is still unclear and involves complex, multifactorial, and dynamic mechanisms. Some features are common in both heart failure and chronic kidney diseases, such as oxidative stress, inflammation and fibrosis leading to organ remodeling.
The goal of this collection is to present new concepts and potential interventions or drugs to better understand and potentially treat cardiovascular and kidney dysfunction during cardiorenal syndrome.