Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), are chronic and progressive diseases. Long-term complications are demolition surgery and colon-rectal cancer (CRC). A treat-to-target approach aims to modify the natural course of these diseases. Targets are pre-defined therapeutic goals demonstrated to prevent end-organ disfunction and disability in the long-term period. According to the Selecting Therapeutic Targets in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (STRIDE) indications, mucosal healing (MH) and clinical remission are the main targets in IBDs.
Recently, the concept of remission and evidence on new targets included histological remission and transmural healing as future new targets. It remains controversial whether achieving these targets is associated with significantly better long-term disease outcomes.
In this Research Topic, we aim to systematically review current evidence and future perspectives on therapeutic targets in IBD including mucosal and transmural healing.
The Research Topic will explore current evidence on the T2T algorithm and will aim to compare it with more stringent management that would include in the near future the concept of disease clearance (including histology and cross-sectional imaging remission) both in CD and UC and to discuss limitations and advantages of adopting it in the routine clinical practice.
The histological scoring system will also be included as well as intestinal ultrasound techniques and magnetic resonance as tools to assess transmural healing as novel potential targets in IBD.
Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), are chronic and progressive diseases. Long-term complications are demolition surgery and colon-rectal cancer (CRC). A treat-to-target approach aims to modify the natural course of these diseases. Targets are pre-defined therapeutic goals demonstrated to prevent end-organ disfunction and disability in the long-term period. According to the Selecting Therapeutic Targets in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (STRIDE) indications, mucosal healing (MH) and clinical remission are the main targets in IBDs.
Recently, the concept of remission and evidence on new targets included histological remission and transmural healing as future new targets. It remains controversial whether achieving these targets is associated with significantly better long-term disease outcomes.
In this Research Topic, we aim to systematically review current evidence and future perspectives on therapeutic targets in IBD including mucosal and transmural healing.
The Research Topic will explore current evidence on the T2T algorithm and will aim to compare it with more stringent management that would include in the near future the concept of disease clearance (including histology and cross-sectional imaging remission) both in CD and UC and to discuss limitations and advantages of adopting it in the routine clinical practice.
The histological scoring system will also be included as well as intestinal ultrasound techniques and magnetic resonance as tools to assess transmural healing as novel potential targets in IBD.