ESG investment is an investment behavior in a company that considers the environment (Environment), society (Social), and corporate governance (Governance) together. "Environment" refers to activities such as reducing carbon dioxide emissions and energy consumption; "society" refers to activities such as human rights issues and the promotion of women; and "corporate governance" refers to activities such as compliance and management transparency.
ESG started from the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) advocated by the United Nations in 2006 and has been attracting attention as a new index for measuring the investment value of companies in institutional investors. The idea is that emphasizing ESG demands will lead to medium- to long-term sustainable growth of companies and eliminate risks that cannot be seen from financial statements.
ESG investment and its impact on society is important both in academic and policy perspectives. The objective of this Research Topic is to cover promising and novel research trends in this field. We are interested in empirical studies that cover global or regional perspectives. However, rigorous theoretical studies that generate significant implications for others are also welcome.
This Research Topic welcomes papers on, but not limited to, the following topics:
-impact of ESG investment on financial markets
-impact of ESG investment on real economic activities
-comparative studies ESG practices in the world
-comparison and evaluation of different ESG ratings/reporting
-impact of COVID-19 on ESG investing
-assessing and managing the risks of climate change
-sustainable investing and impact funds
-green finance and investment
-portfolio analysis of green bond
-social and environmental impacts of renewable energies
ESG investment is an investment behavior in a company that considers the environment (Environment), society (Social), and corporate governance (Governance) together. "Environment" refers to activities such as reducing carbon dioxide emissions and energy consumption; "society" refers to activities such as human rights issues and the promotion of women; and "corporate governance" refers to activities such as compliance and management transparency.
ESG started from the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) advocated by the United Nations in 2006 and has been attracting attention as a new index for measuring the investment value of companies in institutional investors. The idea is that emphasizing ESG demands will lead to medium- to long-term sustainable growth of companies and eliminate risks that cannot be seen from financial statements.
ESG investment and its impact on society is important both in academic and policy perspectives. The objective of this Research Topic is to cover promising and novel research trends in this field. We are interested in empirical studies that cover global or regional perspectives. However, rigorous theoretical studies that generate significant implications for others are also welcome.
This Research Topic welcomes papers on, but not limited to, the following topics:
-impact of ESG investment on financial markets
-impact of ESG investment on real economic activities
-comparative studies ESG practices in the world
-comparison and evaluation of different ESG ratings/reporting
-impact of COVID-19 on ESG investing
-assessing and managing the risks of climate change
-sustainable investing and impact funds
-green finance and investment
-portfolio analysis of green bond
-social and environmental impacts of renewable energies