Rhythmic processes within the temporal range for action (about 0.1 to
10 s) are characteristic of music and have important effects on humans. Previous research has revealed several perceptual and cognitive principles by which the auditory system processes rhythmical sequences. There is also an emerging literature on experiential and emotional effects of rhythmic sequences, including physiological reactions and physical performance, for example in the realm of sports. On the whole, current knowledge provides a sufficiently rich web of empirical data that more overarching and theoretically motivated hypotheses and analyses should be feasible. The present topic will examine what the neuropsychological and neurophysiological functions of musical and music-like rhythm may be. In the case of humans, one function of rhythm may be synchronizing and co-ordinating behaviour, as is commonly seen in music, dance, and drill. We welcome papers with behavioral, theoretical and/or computational contributions, with strong empirical evidence on significant amount of data, on the topic of musical or music-like rhythm, either in humans or other animals. Diverse paper types are welcome, from original research papers, to review, method and opinion papers.
Rhythmic processes within the temporal range for action (about 0.1 to
10 s) are characteristic of music and have important effects on humans. Previous research has revealed several perceptual and cognitive principles by which the auditory system processes rhythmical sequences. There is also an emerging literature on experiential and emotional effects of rhythmic sequences, including physiological reactions and physical performance, for example in the realm of sports. On the whole, current knowledge provides a sufficiently rich web of empirical data that more overarching and theoretically motivated hypotheses and analyses should be feasible. The present topic will examine what the neuropsychological and neurophysiological functions of musical and music-like rhythm may be. In the case of humans, one function of rhythm may be synchronizing and co-ordinating behaviour, as is commonly seen in music, dance, and drill. We welcome papers with behavioral, theoretical and/or computational contributions, with strong empirical evidence on significant amount of data, on the topic of musical or music-like rhythm, either in humans or other animals. Diverse paper types are welcome, from original research papers, to review, method and opinion papers.