This study examines cortical organoids generated from a panel of isogenic trisomic and disomic iPSC lines (subclones) as a model of early fetal brain development in Down syndrome (DS). An initial experiment comparing organoids from one trisomic and one disomic line showed many genome-wide transcriptomic differences and modest differences in cell-type proportions, suggesting there may be a neurodevelopmental phenotype that is due to trisomy of chr21. To better control for multiple sources of variation, we undertook a highly robust study of ∼1,200 organoids using an expanded panel of six all-isogenic lines, three disomic, and three trisomic. The power of this experimental design was indicated by strong detection of the ∼1.5-fold difference in chr21 genes. However, the numerous expression differences in non-chr21 genes seen in the smaller experiment fell away, and the differences in cell-type representation between lines did not correlate with trisomy 21. Results suggest that the initial smaller experiment picked up differences between small organoid samples and individual isogenic lines, which “averaged out” in the larger panel of isogenic lines. Our results indicate that even when organoid and batch variability are better controlled for, variation between isogenic cell lines (even subclones) may obscure, or be conflated with, subtle neurodevelopmental phenotypes that may be present in ∼2nd trimester DS brain development. Interestingly, despite this variability between organoid batches and lines, and the “fetal stage” of these organoids, an increase in secreted Aβ40 peptide levels—an Alzheimer-related cellular phenotype—was more strongly associated with trisomy 21 status than were neurodevelopmental shifts in cell-type composition.
Women are disproportionately affected by Alzheimer's disease (AD), yet little is known about sex-specific effects on the development of AD in the Down syndrome (DS) population. DS is caused by a full or partial triplication of chromosome 21, which harbors the amyloid precursor protein (APP) gene, among others. The majority of people with DS in their early- to mid-40s will accumulate sufficient amyloid-beta (Aβ) in their brains along with neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) for a neuropathological diagnosis of AD, and the triplication of the APP gene is regarded as the main cause. Studies addressing sex differences with age and impact on dementia in people with DS are inconsistent. However, women with DS experience earlier age of onset of menopause, marked by a drop in estrogen, than women without DS. This review focuses on key sex differences observed with age and AD in people with DS and a discussion of possible underlying mechanisms that could be driving or protecting from AD development in DS. Understanding how biological sex influences the brain will lead to development of dedicated therapeutics and interventions to improve the quality of life for people with DS and AD.
Great strides have been made over the past 30 years in understanding the neurodevelopmental changes underlying the intellectual disability (ID) in Down syndrome (DS). Detailed studies of human tissue coupled with findings from rodent and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) model systems have uncovered the changes in neurogenesis, synaptic connectivity, and myelination that drive the anatomical and physiological changes resulting in the disability. However, there remain significant conflicting data between human studies and the models. To fully understand the development of ID in DS, these inconsistencies need to be reconciled. Here, we review the well documented neurodevelopmental phenotypes found in individuals with DS and examine the degree to which widely used models recapitulate these phenotypes. Resolving these areas of discord will further research on the molecular underpinnings and identify potential treatments to improve the independence and quality of life of people with DS.
There are an estimated 6 million people with Down syndrome (DS) worldwide. In developed countries, the vast majority of these individuals will develop Alzheimer's disease neuropathology characterized by the accumulation of amyloid-β (Aβ) plaques and tau neurofibrillary tangles within the brain, which leads to the early onset of dementia (AD-DS) and reduced life-expectancy. The mean age of onset of clinical dementia is ~55 years and by the age of 80, approaching 100% of individuals with DS will have a dementia diagnosis. DS is caused by trisomy of chromosome 21 (Hsa21) thus an additional copy of a gene(s) on the chromosome must cause the development of AD neuropathology and dementia. Indeed, triplication of the gene APP which encodes the amyloid precursor protein is sufficient and necessary for early onset AD (EOAD), both in people who have and do not have DS. However, triplication of other genes on Hsa21 leads to profound differences in neurodevelopment resulting in intellectual disability, elevated incidence of epilepsy and perturbations to the immune system. This different biology may impact on how AD neuropathology and dementia develops in people who have DS. Indeed, genes on Hsa21 other than APP when in three-copies can modulate AD-pathogenesis in mouse preclinical models. Understanding this biology better is critical to inform drug selection for AD prevention and therapy trials for people who have DS. Here we will review rodent preclinical models of AD-DS and how these can be used for both in vivo and ex vivo (cultured cells and organotypic slice cultures) studies to understand the mechanisms that contribute to the early development of AD in people who have DS and test the utility of treatments to prevent or delay the development of disease.
Down syndrome (DS), also known as trisomy 21, is a genetic disorder caused by triplication of Chromosome 21. Gene triplication may compromise different body functions but invariably impairs intellectual abilities starting from infancy. Moreover, after the fourth decade of life people with DS are likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease. Neurogenesis impairment during fetal life stages and dendritic pathology emerging in early infancy are thought to be key determinants of alterations in brain functioning in DS. Although the progressive improvement in medical care has led to a notable increase in life expectancy for people with DS, there are currently no treatments for intellectual disability. Increasing evidence in mouse models of DS reveals that pharmacological interventions in the embryonic and neonatal periods may greatly benefit brain development and cognitive performance. The most striking results have been obtained with pharmacotherapies during embryonic life stages, indicating that it is possible to pharmacologically rescue the severe neurodevelopmental defects linked to the trisomic condition. These findings provide hope that similar benefits may be possible for people with DS. This review summarizes current knowledge regarding (i) the scope and timeline of neurogenesis (and dendritic) alterations in DS, in order to delineate suitable windows for treatment; (ii) the role of triplicated genes that are most likely to be the key determinants of these alterations, in order to highlight possible therapeutic targets; and (iii) prenatal and neonatal treatments that have proved to be effective in mouse models, in order to rationalize the choice of treatment for human application. Based on this body of evidence we will discuss prospects and challenges for fetal therapy in individuals with DS as a potential means of drastically counteracting the deleterious effects of gene triplication.
Frontiers in Genetics
Genetic Testing In Treatment and Management of Alzheimer’s Disease