Highway and bridge construction projects are subject to cost and schedule overruns, as well as workforce shortages in remote locations, both of which can result in disputes over the quality of the end product. E-ticketing technology can improve the quality, however, while decreasing cost overruns and schedule delays. Despite the benefits of E-ticketing, many state departments and agencies are unwilling to transition into this technology. This study aims to identify the potential barriers to implementing E-ticketing, determine the adoption rate of state agencies/departments, and evaluate the benefits of employing an E-ticketing platform. The changes in technological trends in highway construction that are related to material tracking, inspection, and digitization are qualitatively analyzed, using meta-synthesis and interpretative analytical techniques. Key technologies that have the potential to be integrated into the E-ticketing platform to mitigate the limitations faced at the time of implementation are also discussed. The study’s findings suggest that the implementation process and regulations of an E-ticketing platform vary drastically from state to state, and a common set of guidelines is essential for obtaining long term success. The study advocates four key recommendations for widespread implementation of the E-ticketing platform and suggests directions for further research. The results of this study will assist DOT’s decision-makers and engineers in developing a common E-ticketing platform, adopting policies and guidelines, decreasing the costs of their projects, providing the initial investment, running pilot tests, enhancing the safety of their inspectors, and completing their projects in a timely and efficient manner.
The 2030 agenda for sustainable development has embraced the importance of sustainable practices in the construction industry. Parallel to the Industry revolution 4.0, the construction industry needs to keep pace with technological advances in data management to keep pace with the revolution through the ability to process and extract value from data. This phenomenon attracts the requirement of Big Data (BD). The construction industry deals with large volumes of heterogeneous data, which is expected to increase exponentially following an intense use of modern technologies. This research presents a comprehensive study of the literature, investigating the potential application of BD integration in the construction industry. The adoption of such technologies in this industry remains at a nascent stage and lags broad uptake of these technologies in other fields. The Construction Industry is driving to boost its productivity through the implementation of data technologies; hence, significant research is needed in this area. Currently, there is a lack of deep comprehensive research on BD integration applications that provide insight for the construction industry. This research closes the gap and gives an overview of the literature. The discussion presented the current utilization, the issues, and ways for potential works along with the challenges companion with the implementation.