Emotions play an essential role in our daily life, which not only influence ourselves' behaviors, attitudes, and thoughts, but also influence others around us. Some researchers claimed that teaching is an emotional activity. Teachers’ emotions are impacted by student behaviors, and in turn, influence their teaching activities; thereby, continuing the cyclical effect in the impact of teachers' emotions on student behaviors and outcomes. In the past, research has been conducted on how teachers’ beliefs, thoughts, or knowledge affect teaching activities. However, how teachers’ emotions influence students’ outcomes are few explored in prior research on teachers and teaching. Recently, the importance of teachers' emotions in education has been gradually recognized. Evidence shows that teachers’ emotions greatly influence their professional development and well-being, as well as students’ motivation, emotions, and multidimensional development. Research on teachers’ emotions during their regular teaching activities also shows that teachers behave in a dynamic manner in social, cultural, and political dimensions, and their emotions are consequently influenced by these dimensions. Besides, in understanding teachers' emotional experience, it has been proved that teachers’ emotions involve person-environmental transactions rather than existing within an individual or within an environment independently. Although many studies have considered the role of teachers' emotions in the teaching activities, there still lacks studies exploring teachers' emotions as dynamic within social interaction or from the perspective of interpersonal emotions.
The objective of this research topic is to systematically explore the effects of teachers' emotions on students’ outcomes. We attach importance to understanding the antecedent variables, consequence variables and the mechanism regarding teachers' emotions from a dynamic perspective. Article contributions using various methodologies are welcome, including quantitative, qualitative, and mixed research methods as well as longitudinal, Experience Sampling Method and experimental designs.
Topics of interests for this research topic include, but are not limited to the following:
· How teachers' emotions influence students’ academic performance and motivations.
· How teachers' emotions influence students’ well-being.
· How teachers' emotions influence students’ cognitive development.
· How teachers' emotions influence students’ social competence.
· How teachers' emotions influence students’ social skills.
Emotions play an essential role in our daily life, which not only influence ourselves' behaviors, attitudes, and thoughts, but also influence others around us. Some researchers claimed that teaching is an emotional activity. Teachers’ emotions are impacted by student behaviors, and in turn, influence their teaching activities; thereby, continuing the cyclical effect in the impact of teachers' emotions on student behaviors and outcomes. In the past, research has been conducted on how teachers’ beliefs, thoughts, or knowledge affect teaching activities. However, how teachers’ emotions influence students’ outcomes are few explored in prior research on teachers and teaching. Recently, the importance of teachers' emotions in education has been gradually recognized. Evidence shows that teachers’ emotions greatly influence their professional development and well-being, as well as students’ motivation, emotions, and multidimensional development. Research on teachers’ emotions during their regular teaching activities also shows that teachers behave in a dynamic manner in social, cultural, and political dimensions, and their emotions are consequently influenced by these dimensions. Besides, in understanding teachers' emotional experience, it has been proved that teachers’ emotions involve person-environmental transactions rather than existing within an individual or within an environment independently. Although many studies have considered the role of teachers' emotions in the teaching activities, there still lacks studies exploring teachers' emotions as dynamic within social interaction or from the perspective of interpersonal emotions.
The objective of this research topic is to systematically explore the effects of teachers' emotions on students’ outcomes. We attach importance to understanding the antecedent variables, consequence variables and the mechanism regarding teachers' emotions from a dynamic perspective. Article contributions using various methodologies are welcome, including quantitative, qualitative, and mixed research methods as well as longitudinal, Experience Sampling Method and experimental designs.
Topics of interests for this research topic include, but are not limited to the following:
· How teachers' emotions influence students’ academic performance and motivations.
· How teachers' emotions influence students’ well-being.
· How teachers' emotions influence students’ cognitive development.
· How teachers' emotions influence students’ social competence.
· How teachers' emotions influence students’ social skills.