Original Research
22 July 2022
Structures of resistance islands identified in the current study. Nine types of genomic RIs were identified in the isolates. These included Tn6022, AbaR4, three AbGRI1 variants, one AbGRI2, two variants of AbGRI3, and GIsul2. Arrows denote open reading frames. Antimicrobial resistance genes are represented by black arrows. Asterisks indicate interrupted genes.
18 citations
15 citations
Original Research
07 February 2022

The management of infections caused by Acinetobacter baumannii is hindered by its intrinsic tolerance to a wide variety of biocides. The aim of the study was to analyze the role of different A. baumannii efflux pumps (EPs) in tolerance to chlorhexidine (CHX) and benzalkonium (BZK) and identify non-toxic compounds, which can restore susceptibility to CHX and BZK in A. baumannii. A. baumannii ATCC 19606 strain was tolerant to both CHX and BZK with MIC and MBC value of 32 mg/L. CHX subMIC concentrations increased the expression of adeB and adeJ (RND superfamily), aceI (PACE family) and amvA (MFS superfamily) EP genes. The values of CHX MIC and MBC decreased by eightfold in ΔadeB and twofold in ΔamvA or ΔaceI mutants, respectively, while not affected in ΔadeJ mutant; EPs double and triple deletion mutants showed an additive effect on CHX MIC. CHX susceptibility was restored in double and triple deletion mutants with inactivation of adeB gene. BZK MIC was decreased by fourfold in ΔadeB mutant, and twofold in ΔamvA and ΔaceI mutants, respectively; EPs double and triple deletion mutants showed an additive effect on BZK MIC. BZK susceptibility was recovered in ΔadeB ΔaceI ΔadeJ and ΔamvA ΔadeB ΔadeJ triple mutants. The structural comparison of AdeB and AdeJ protomers showed a more negatively charged entrance binding site and F-loop in AdeB, which may favor the transport of CHX. The carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazine protonophore (CCCP) EP inhibitor reduced dose-dependently CHX MIC in A. baumannii ATCC 19606 and in ΔadeJ, ΔaceI, or ΔamvA mutants, but not in ΔadeB mutant. Either piperine (PIP) or resveratrol (RV) at non-toxic concentrations inhibited CHX MIC in A. baumannii ATCC 19606 parental strain and EPs gene deletion mutants, and CHX-induced EP gene expression. Also, RV inhibited BZK MIC and EP genes expression in A. baumannii ATCC 19606 parental strain and EPs mutants. These results demonstrate that tolerance to CHX and BZK in A. baumannii is mediated by the activation of AdeB, AceI and AmvA EPs, AdeB playing a major role. Importantly, inhibition of EP genes expression by RV restores CHX and BZK susceptibility in A. baumannii.

23 citations
Original Research
13 January 2022

Acinetobacter baumannii has emerged as one of the most problematic bacterial pathogens responsible for hospital-acquired and community infections worldwide. Besides its high capacity to acquire antibiotic resistance mechanisms, it also presents high adhesion abilities on inert and living surfaces leading to biofilm development. This lifestyle confers additional protection against various treatments and allows it to persist for long periods in various hospital niches. Due to their remarkable antimicrobial tolerance, A. baumannii biofilms are difficult to control and ultimately eradicate. Further insights into the mechanism of biofilm development will help to overcome this challenge and to develop novel antibiofilm strategies. To unravel critical determinants of this sessile lifestyle, the proteomic profiles of two A. baumannii strains (ATTC17978 and SDF) grown in planktonic stationary phase or in mature solid–liquid (S-L) biofilm were compared using a semiquantitative proteomic study. Of interest, among the 69 common proteins determinants accumulated in the two strains at the S-L interface, we sorted out the MacAB-TolC system. This tripartite efflux pump played a role in A. baumannii biofilm formation as demonstrated by using ΔmacAB-tolC deletion mutant. Complementary approaches allowed us to get an overview of the impact of macAB-tolC deletion in A. baumannii physiology. Indeed, this efflux pump appeared to be involved in the envelope stress response occurring in mature biofilm. It contributes to maintain wild type (WT) membrane rigidity and provides tolerance to high osmolarity conditions. In addition, this system is probably involved in the maintenance of iron and sulfur homeostasis. MacAB-TolC might help this pathogen face and adapt to deleterious conditions occurring in mature biofilms. Increasing our knowledge of A. baumannii biofilm formation will undoubtedly help us develop new therapeutic strategies to tackle this emerging threat to human health.

14 citations
Comparative linear map of plasmids pALWED1.1 and pAHTJR1. The location and polarity of genes and ORFs are shown with arrows. The extent of homologous regions is indicated in the dark gray shading. The backbones regions of plasmids are delimited by square red brackets and antibiotic resistance regions in pAHTJR1—by green. Antibiotic resistance genes are colored in green and genes of resistance to salts of heavy metals—in blue. Antibiotic resistance region 1 contains integron with the cassette genes arr-3- (rifamycine resistance) and aacA4 (aminoglycoside resistance) and the gene aph(3″)-V1a (aminoglycoside resistance). Antibiotic resistance region 2 contains the genes oxa58 (carbapenem resistance), the msrE and mphE (macrolide resistance) and the floR (phenicol resistance). Antibiotic resistance region 3 contains the aminoglycosides resistance genes aph(3″)-1b and aph(6) -1d and tetracycline resistance genes tet(Y) and tetR. Other genes: sdhC, succinate dehydrogenase, cytochrome b556 subunit; corA, magnesium and cobalt transport protein CorA; gorA, glutathione-disulfide reductase; umuC, DNA polymerase V subunit UmuC; topA, topoisomerase IA; nrdH, putative NrdH-redoxin family protein.
15 citations
Minocycline (MIN) binding induced conformational changes of AbTetR. (A) Conformational changes of the DNA binding domain of the unliganded AbTetR and the liganded Gln116Ala structures. Structural superimposition was performed based on the main chain atoms of helices α8 and α10 (Yu et al., 2010). (AbTetR-A: black, AbTetR-B: blue, Gln116Ala-A: green, Gln116Ala-B: cyan, Gln116Ala-C: magenta, Gln116Ala-D: yellow). (B) Water-mediated stabilization of the β-turn upon minocycline binding. Water molecules and the Mg2+ are depicted as red and green spheres, respectively.
Original Research
19 July 2021

Acinetobacter baumannii is an important nosocomial pathogen that requires thoughtful consideration in the antibiotic prescription strategy due to its multidrug resistant phenotype. Tetracycline antibiotics have recently been re-administered as part of the combination antimicrobial regimens to treat infections caused by A. baumannii. We show that the TetA(G) efflux pump of A. baumannii AYE confers resistance to a variety of tetracyclines including the clinically important antibiotics doxycycline and minocycline, but not to tigecycline. Expression of tetA(G) gene is regulated by the TetR repressor of A. baumannii AYE (AbTetR). Thermal shift binding experiments revealed that AbTetR preferentially binds tetracyclines which carry a O-5H moiety in ring B, whereas tetracyclines with a 7-dimethylamino moiety in ring D are less well-recognized by AbTetR. Confoundingly, tigecycline binds to AbTetR even though it is not transported by TetA(G) efflux pump. Structural analysis of the minocycline-bound AbTetR-Gln116Ala variant suggested that the non-conserved Arg135 interacts with the ring D of minocycline by cation-π interaction, while the invariant Arg104 engages in H-bonding with the O-11H of minocycline. Interestingly, the Arg135Ala variant exhibited a binding preference for tetracyclines with an unmodified ring D. In contrast, the Arg104Ala variant preferred to bind tetracyclines which carry a O-6H moiety in ring C except for tigecycline. We propose that Arg104 and Arg135, which are embedded at the entrance of the AbTetR binding pocket, play important roles in the recognition of tetracyclines, and act as a barrier to prevent the release of tetracycline from its binding pocket upon AbTetR activation. The binding data and crystal structures obtained in this study might provide further insight for the development of new tetracycline antibiotics to evade the specific efflux resistance mechanism deployed by A. baumannii.

10 citations
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Biofilm Inhibitors Against ESKAPE Pathogens
Edited by Vinothkannan Ravichandran, Aiying Li, Satish Kumar Rajasekharan
26 October 2024
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