Actinobacteria are the main producers of bioactive natural products essential for human health. Although their diversity in the atmosphere remains largely unexplored, using a multidisciplinary approach, we studied here 27 antibiotic producing Actinobacteria strains, isolated from 13 different precipitation events at three locations in Northern and Southern Spain. Rain samples were collected throughout 2013–2016, from events with prevailing Western winds. NOAA HYSPLIT meteorological analyses were used to estimate the sources and trajectories of the air-mass that caused the rainfall events. Five-day backward air masses trajectories of the diverse events reveals a main oceanic source from the North Atlantic Ocean, and in some events long range transport from the Pacific and the Arctic Oceans; terrestrial sources from continental North America and Western Europe were also estimated. Different strains were isolated depending on the precipitation event and the latitude of the sampling site. Taxonomic identification by 16S rRNA sequencing and phylogenetic analysis revealed these strains to belong to two Actinobacteria genera. Most of the isolates belong to the genus Streptomyces, thus increasing the number of species of this genus isolated from the atmosphere. Furthermore, five strains belonging to the rare Actinobacterial genus Nocardiopsis were isolated in some events. These results reinforce our previous Streptomyces atmospheric dispersion model, which we extend herein to the genus Nocardiopsis. Production of bioactive secondary metabolites was analyzed by LC-UV-MS. Comparative analyses of Streptomyces and Nocardiopsis metabolites with natural product databases led to the identification of multiple, chemically diverse, compounds. Among bioactive natural products identified 55% are antibiotics, both antibacterial and antifungal, and 23% have antitumor or cytotoxic properties; also compounds with antiparasitic, anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive, antiviral, insecticidal, neuroprotective, anti-arthritic activities were found. Our findings suggest that over time, through samples collected from different precipitation events, and space, in different sampling places, we can have access to a great diversity of Actinobacteria producing an extraordinary reservoir of bioactive natural products, from remote and very distant origins, thus highlighting the atmosphere as a contrasted source for the discovery of novel compounds of relevance in medicine and biotechnology.
The atmosphere plays an important role in transporting microorganisms on a global scale, yet the processes affecting the composition of the airborne microbiome, the aerobiome, are not fully outlined. Here we present the community compositions of bacteria and fungi obtained by DNA amplicon-sequencing of aerosol samples collected in a size-resolved manner during nine consecutive days in central Israel. The campaign captured dust events originating from the Sahara and the Arabian deserts, as well as days without dust (“clear days”). We found that the source of the aerosol was the main variable contributing to the composition of both fungal and bacterial communities. Significant differences were also observed between communities representing particles of different sizes. We show evidence for the significant transport of bacteria as cell-aggregates and/or via bacterial attachment to particles during dust events. Our findings further point to the mixing of local and transported bacterial communities, observed mostly in particles smaller than 0.6 μm in diameter, representing bacterial single cells. Fungal communities showed the highest dependence on the source of the aerosols, along with significant daily variability, and without significant mixing between sources, possibly due to their larger aerodynamic size and shorter atmospheric residence times. These results, obtained under highly varied atmospheric conditions, provide significant assurances to previously raised hypotheses and could set the course for future studies on aerobiome composition.
Ocean aerobiology is defined here as the study of biological particles of marine origin, including living organisms, present in the atmosphere and their role in ecological, biogeochemical, and climate processes. Hundreds of trillions of microorganisms are exchanged between ocean and atmosphere daily. Within a few days, tropospheric transport potentially disperses microorganisms over continents and between oceans. There is a need to better identify and quantify marine aerobiota, characterize the time spans and distances of marine microorganisms’ atmospheric transport, and determine whether microorganisms acclimate to atmospheric conditions and remain viable, or even grow. Exploring the atmosphere as a microbial habitat is fundamental for understanding the consequences of dispersal and will expand our knowledge of biodiversity, biogeography, and ecosystem connectivity across different marine environments. Marine organic matter is chemically transformed in the atmosphere, including remineralization back to CO2. The magnitude of these transformations is insignificant in the context of the annual marine carbon cycle, but may be a significant sink for marine recalcitrant organic matter over long (∼104 years) timescales. In addition, organic matter in sea spray aerosol plays a significant role in the Earth’s radiative budget by scattering solar radiation, and indirectly by affecting cloud properties. Marine organic matter is generally a poor source of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN), but a significant source of ice nucleating particles (INPs), affecting the formation of mixed-phase and ice clouds. This review will show that marine biogenic aerosol plays an impactful, but poorly constrained, role in marine ecosystems, biogeochemical processes, and the Earth’s climate system. Further work is needed to characterize the connectivity and feedbacks between the atmosphere and ocean ecosystems in order to integrate this complexity into Earth System models, facilitating future climate and biogeochemical predictions.