Advanced Technologies for Planning and Operation of Prosumer Energy Systems

Cover image for research topic "Advanced Technologies for Planning and Operation of Prosumer Energy Systems"
Original Research
06 January 2023
Geothermal dynamic constraints of groundwater source heat pump system in shallow aquifers
Fei Lin
4 more and 
Jie Yang
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Due to the temperature of shallow aquifers being affected by atmospheric temperature, groundwater source heat pumps (GWSHPs) become unstable and the operation efficiency of GWSHP is constrained. In the study, the coupling numerical simulation model of the groundwater flow field and temperature field is established based on the continuous monitoring results in an actual experimental site, and the water and thermal migration of shallow aquifer is simulated under the influence of the atmospheric environment. The influence of the dynamic change in ground temperature is analyzed on a GWSHP. The results indicated that the temperature of the shallow aquifer is affected by the external temperature, and the recharge temperature in the summer cooling period was 33°C, and that in the winter heating period was 6°C in the actual site, to avoid the occurrence of thermal penetration when there is a gap between the actual situation and the design situation, the single cooler can balance the insufficient cooling capacity in summer under the most unfavorable situation. The research results can also provide a reference for the development and utilization of geothermal energy resources in shallow aquifers.

2 citations

Accurate state estimation is essential for the safe and reliable operation of lithium-ion batteries. However, the accuracy of the battery state estimation depends on the accuracy of the battery parameters. Because the state of charge (SOC) cannot be directly measured, estimation methods based on the Kalman filter are widely used. However, it is difficult to estimate SOC online and get high accuracy results. This article proposes a method for parameter identification and SOC estimation for lithium-ion batteries. Because the lithium-ion battery has slow-varying parameters (such as internal resistance, and polarization resistance), and the SOC has fast-varying characteristics, so a multi-scale multi-innovation unscented Kalman filter and extended Kalman filter (MIUKF-EKF) are used to perform online measurement of battery parameters and SOC estimation in this method. The battery parameters are estimated with a macro-scale, and the SOC is estimated with a micro-scale. This method can improve the estimation accuracy of the SOC in real-time. Results of experiments indicate that the algorithm has higher accuracy in online parameter identification and SOC estimation than in the dual extended Kalman filter (DEKF) algorithm.

14 citations
5 citations