The Upcoming Complications of COVID-19 on Recovered Patients: Molecular Mechanisms and Therapeutic Opportunities

32 citations
28 January 2022
Cancer Occurrence as the Upcoming Complications of COVID-19
Ilnaz Rahimmanesh
4 more and 
Shaghayegh Haghjooy Javanmard
Cell entry mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2. Coronaviruses are believed to enter the host cells via two main routes, through direct delivery of the genome into the cytosol via fusion with the host cell membrane, and through endocytosis.

Previous studies suggested that patients with comorbidities including cancer had a higher risk of mortality or developing more severe forms of COVID-19. The interaction of cancer and COVID-19 is unrecognized and potential long-term effects of COVID-19 on cancer outcome remain to be explored. Furthermore, whether COVID‐19 increases the risk of cancer in those without previous history of malignancies, has not yet been studied. Cancer progression, recurrence and metastasis depend on the complex interaction between the tumor and the host inflammatory response. Extreme proinflammatory cytokine release (cytokine storm) and multi‐organ failure are hallmarks of severe COVID‐19. Besides impaired T-Cell response, elevated levels of cytokines, growth factors and also chemokines in the plasma of patients in the acute phase of COVID-19 as well as tissue damage and chronic low‐grade inflammation in “long COVID‐19” syndrome may facilitate cancer progression and recurrence. Following a systemic inflammatory response syndrome, some counterbalancing compensatory anti-inflammatory mechanisms will be activated to restore immune homeostasis. On the other hand, there remains the possibility of the integration of SARS- CoV-2 into the host genome, which potentially may cause cancer. These mechanisms have also been shown to be implicated in both tumorigenesis and metastasis. In this review, we are going to focus on potential mechanisms and the molecular interplay, which connect COVID-19, inflammation, and immune-mediated tumor progression that may propose a framework to understand the possible role of COVID-19 infection in tumorgenesis and cancer progression.

16 citations
03 January 2022
The Oral Complications of COVID-19
Xinxuan Zhou
5 more and 
Biao Ren

Background: COVID-19 is a novel coronavirus infectious disease associated with the severe acute respiratory syndrome. More and more patients are being cured due to the development of clinical guidelines for COVID-19 pneumonia diagnosis, treatment, and vaccines. However, the long-term impact of COVID-19 on patients after recovery is unclear. Currently available reports have shown that patients recovered from COVID-19 continue to experience health problems in respiratory and other organ systems. Oral problem is one of the important complications which has serious impacts on the rehabilitation and future quality of life, such as ageusia and macroglossia, but the oral complication is often being neglected.

Aim of Review: From the perspective of stomatology, we summarized and elaborated in detail the types, pathogenesis of oral complications from COVID-19 patients after rehabilitation, and the reported prevention or treatment recommendations which may improve the COVID-19 patients associated oral diseases.

Key Scientific Concepts of Review: 1) To understand the common oral complications and the mechanisms of the development of oral complications after the COVID-19 recovery; 2) To summary the practical strategies to prevent the oral complications and construct the rehabilitation plans for patients with oral complications.

3 citations
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30 August 2021
Host Serine Proteases: A Potential Targeted Therapy for COVID-19 and Influenza
Yalda Rahbar Saadat
2 more and 
Mohammadreza Ardalan

The ongoing pandemic illustrates limited therapeutic options for controlling SARS-CoV-2 infections, calling a need for additional therapeutic targets. The viral spike S glycoprotein binds to the human receptor angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) and then is activated by the host proteases. Based on the accessibility of the cellular proteases needed for SARS-S activation, SARS-CoV-2 entrance and activation can be mediated by endosomal (such as cathepsin L) and non-endosomal pathways. Evidence indicates that in the non-endosomal pathway, the viral S protein is cleaved by the furin enzyme in infected host cells. To help the virus enter efficiently, the S protein is further activated by the serine protease 2 (TMPRSS2), provided that the S has been cleaved by furin previously. In this review, important roles for host proteases within host cells will be outlined in SARS-CoV-2 infection and antiviral therapeutic strategies will be highlighted. Although there are at least five highly effective vaccines at this time, the appearance of the new viral mutations demands the development of therapeutic agents. Targeted inhibition of host proteases can be used as a therapeutic approach for viral infection.

61 citations
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