A growing desire for improved quality in education has been evident throughout the world. While some scholars are focused on the technical aspects of teaching, others are exploring how, why, when, and for whom certain factors contribute to educational achievement and success. Effective and quality education suggests the need to understand the key stakeholders within the education system - the teachers and students; however, although research on effective teaching has existed for over half a century, the knowledge base is limited. There has been a heavy reliance on using student achievement as an outcome criteria but, more recently, other non-cognitive, psychological outcomes have been acknowledged as important factors in improving the effectiveness and quality of education. The rationale for this Research Topic lies in the conclusion that teachers' work is the most significant factor for student learning and outcomes. However, it is also vital to understand how and why the practices of teachers in different contexts and different stages of their careers impacts on the work they undertake. The article collection aims to address this issue by presenting a range of contributions reporting studies that have explored the measurements, antecedents, and characteristics of effective teaching, linking them with teacher and student outcomes.
This project aims to bring together theoretical, empirical, methodological, and practical insights from various contexts/countries on effective teaching. It particularly focuses on definitions and conceptualizations, measurement, antecedents, correlates, and characteristics of effective teaching, as well as on the importance of these to teacher and student outcomes from multiple perspectives (students, teachers, school leaders) and contexts (e.g. different educational phases, geographical and socio-economic contexts). The topic will draw upon the rich and diverse contexts which serve as the background setting to better understand effective teaching from a broad spectrum of educational systems and performances.
Scope of exploration may include:
- Measurement of effective teaching
- Antecedents and/or factors influencing effectiveness
- Characteristics of effective teaching and teachers
- Links between effective teaching and outcomes
- The impact of curriculum subject on effectiveness
- Perceptions of teachers, students, and others (i.e., princpals) on teaching quality
This Research Topic is open to diverse forms of theoretical and methodological approaches, including quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods. An article that presents original empirical work and/or thematic reviews of research on effective teaching, focusing not only on what works, but how, why, when, and for whom it works, is particularly welcome.
A growing desire for improved quality in education has been evident throughout the world. While some scholars are focused on the technical aspects of teaching, others are exploring how, why, when, and for whom certain factors contribute to educational achievement and success. Effective and quality education suggests the need to understand the key stakeholders within the education system - the teachers and students; however, although research on effective teaching has existed for over half a century, the knowledge base is limited. There has been a heavy reliance on using student achievement as an outcome criteria but, more recently, other non-cognitive, psychological outcomes have been acknowledged as important factors in improving the effectiveness and quality of education. The rationale for this Research Topic lies in the conclusion that teachers' work is the most significant factor for student learning and outcomes. However, it is also vital to understand how and why the practices of teachers in different contexts and different stages of their careers impacts on the work they undertake. The article collection aims to address this issue by presenting a range of contributions reporting studies that have explored the measurements, antecedents, and characteristics of effective teaching, linking them with teacher and student outcomes.
This project aims to bring together theoretical, empirical, methodological, and practical insights from various contexts/countries on effective teaching. It particularly focuses on definitions and conceptualizations, measurement, antecedents, correlates, and characteristics of effective teaching, as well as on the importance of these to teacher and student outcomes from multiple perspectives (students, teachers, school leaders) and contexts (e.g. different educational phases, geographical and socio-economic contexts). The topic will draw upon the rich and diverse contexts which serve as the background setting to better understand effective teaching from a broad spectrum of educational systems and performances.
Scope of exploration may include:
- Measurement of effective teaching
- Antecedents and/or factors influencing effectiveness
- Characteristics of effective teaching and teachers
- Links between effective teaching and outcomes
- The impact of curriculum subject on effectiveness
- Perceptions of teachers, students, and others (i.e., princpals) on teaching quality
This Research Topic is open to diverse forms of theoretical and methodological approaches, including quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods. An article that presents original empirical work and/or thematic reviews of research on effective teaching, focusing not only on what works, but how, why, when, and for whom it works, is particularly welcome.