In India, it has been estimated that there are 207 million people with hypertension and 79 million people with diabetes. More worryingly, only about half of those with these conditions are aware that they have them, thereby potentially leading to poor control and complications. Even in the most advanced Indian state in epidemiological transition, the state of Kerala, the control rate of hypertension is only 13% and that of diabetes is 15%. Kerala’s health indicators such as infant mortality rate and life expectancy are comparable to those of some high-income countries in the world. However, hypertension and diabetes control rates are extremely poor when compared to over 50% control rates in the high-income countries, and it is likely to be even lower in other Indian states. It is important to know the reasons for the poor control rates of these chronic health conditions in India, such that measures could be implemented to improve them.
India is a country with huge variations in health and development status between and within states. Literature on reasons for poor control rates of hypertension and diabetes are limited in India even in states that are economically advanced. Therefore, finding out the control rates of these conditions and the reasons for poor control rates are some of the top priorities in research in India. This Research Topic will bring out the relevant literature on awareness, treatment and control of hypertension and or diabetes in India at the national or state level. It will also add to literature on intervention studies focusing on improving awareness, treatment and control rates of these two conditions. Health promotion focusing on life style modification is also important to improve awareness, treatment and control of hypertension and diabetes.
This Research Topic will include Original Research on awareness, treatment and control of hypertension and/or diabetes and prioritize intervention research focusing on the same. Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis on the above topics will also be considered. Any of the above areas (Awareness, treatment and control) will be considered. Since there are only limited data on these at national or state level even cross-sectional data will be considered. If there are cohort data looking at the above parameters on change over a period of time will also be useful. Articles on health promotion focusing on lifestyle modification to improve awareness, treatment and control of hypertension and/or diabetes can also be considered. Major complications due to uncontrolled hypertension and diabetes such as kidney diseases could be another area. Articles will follow the guidelines of the journal Frontiers in Public Health.
In India, it has been estimated that there are 207 million people with hypertension and 79 million people with diabetes. More worryingly, only about half of those with these conditions are aware that they have them, thereby potentially leading to poor control and complications. Even in the most advanced Indian state in epidemiological transition, the state of Kerala, the control rate of hypertension is only 13% and that of diabetes is 15%. Kerala’s health indicators such as infant mortality rate and life expectancy are comparable to those of some high-income countries in the world. However, hypertension and diabetes control rates are extremely poor when compared to over 50% control rates in the high-income countries, and it is likely to be even lower in other Indian states. It is important to know the reasons for the poor control rates of these chronic health conditions in India, such that measures could be implemented to improve them.
India is a country with huge variations in health and development status between and within states. Literature on reasons for poor control rates of hypertension and diabetes are limited in India even in states that are economically advanced. Therefore, finding out the control rates of these conditions and the reasons for poor control rates are some of the top priorities in research in India. This Research Topic will bring out the relevant literature on awareness, treatment and control of hypertension and or diabetes in India at the national or state level. It will also add to literature on intervention studies focusing on improving awareness, treatment and control rates of these two conditions. Health promotion focusing on life style modification is also important to improve awareness, treatment and control of hypertension and diabetes.
This Research Topic will include Original Research on awareness, treatment and control of hypertension and/or diabetes and prioritize intervention research focusing on the same. Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis on the above topics will also be considered. Any of the above areas (Awareness, treatment and control) will be considered. Since there are only limited data on these at national or state level even cross-sectional data will be considered. If there are cohort data looking at the above parameters on change over a period of time will also be useful. Articles on health promotion focusing on lifestyle modification to improve awareness, treatment and control of hypertension and/or diabetes can also be considered. Major complications due to uncontrolled hypertension and diabetes such as kidney diseases could be another area. Articles will follow the guidelines of the journal Frontiers in Public Health.