Plate tectonics shapes giant basins and orogens in the Earth’s continents, such as the Tibetan Plateau, the Zagros, the Andes, the Alps and their adjacent basins, and the Basin and Range province in the western United States. Variations in the geologic and geodynamic evolution of these orogen-basin systems are the manifestation of plate deformation at a range of scales and types, and interaction between lithospheric dynamics and asthenosphere processes at depth. In this Research Topic, we seek to bring together cross-disciplinary approaches that integrate structural geology, geophysics, geodesy, geo(thermo)chronology, and numerical/analogue modeling to investigate the deep structure, tectonic deformation and associated geodynamic processes, and their effects on natural resources (e.g., gas and oil fields).
We welcome Original Research, Reviews, Methods, and other article types of contributions suited for this topic. We particularly encourage (but are not limited to) contributions of the following issues:
• Geophysical and geological observations for the deep structure of orogenic belts and basins, and fold-and-thrust belts in the basin-orogen transitional belts;
• Geometry and kinematic evolution of structural belts within the orogens and basins;
• Source-to-sink coupling of the orogen-basin processes;
• Analog or numerical modeling of basin-orogen processes and associated geodynamic mechanisms;
• The effects of basin-orogen processes on the production, migration, and preservation of natural resources.
Plate tectonics shapes giant basins and orogens in the Earth’s continents, such as the Tibetan Plateau, the Zagros, the Andes, the Alps and their adjacent basins, and the Basin and Range province in the western United States. Variations in the geologic and geodynamic evolution of these orogen-basin systems are the manifestation of plate deformation at a range of scales and types, and interaction between lithospheric dynamics and asthenosphere processes at depth. In this Research Topic, we seek to bring together cross-disciplinary approaches that integrate structural geology, geophysics, geodesy, geo(thermo)chronology, and numerical/analogue modeling to investigate the deep structure, tectonic deformation and associated geodynamic processes, and their effects on natural resources (e.g., gas and oil fields).
We welcome Original Research, Reviews, Methods, and other article types of contributions suited for this topic. We particularly encourage (but are not limited to) contributions of the following issues:
• Geophysical and geological observations for the deep structure of orogenic belts and basins, and fold-and-thrust belts in the basin-orogen transitional belts;
• Geometry and kinematic evolution of structural belts within the orogens and basins;
• Source-to-sink coupling of the orogen-basin processes;
• Analog or numerical modeling of basin-orogen processes and associated geodynamic mechanisms;
• The effects of basin-orogen processes on the production, migration, and preservation of natural resources.