Integration of different fields of science for studying motor development has modified old views and practices. Age-dependent stages of growth are no longer the reference points for teachers, instructors, and pediatricians in the present day where societies in most nations are multi-ethnic and children are of different genetic and cultural backgrounds. Driven by Newell’s assumption that development builds from experiences, interest on the factors that promote motor development has exited from a restricted scientific niche to attracting broader interest. Indeed, today both physical activity and motor skill development are considered to promote the health and quality of life of children with an impact that will last throughout the lifespan. Therefore, motor development is a scientific issue with a growing impact on the organization of modern societies, on public administrations, schools, sport, and public health systems.
Focusing on motor development to define new determinants and paradigms of intervention is essential for the present days marked by the world-wide attempt to limit the spread of the Coronavirus pandemic. The lockdowns and social distancing imposed by many governments worldwide has increased sedentary behaviors whilst decreasing levels of physical activity. This creates an urgent need for counteracting measures. We need to make our cities, schools and societies more physically active even in the presence of limiting events such as the present pandemic; an increase and diffusion of the scientific knowledge is therefore relevant to inspire educators and public servants to take evidence-based initiatives with high impact on public and individual health.
In this Research Topic we intend to collect research papers and reviews on factors promoting motor development in children. The scientific community is also invited and urged to present and discuss the results coming from the number of physical activity-based initiatives that have been organized around the world to support motor development in children and the quality of their life.
Potential topics include but are not limited to:
- Determinants of motor development
- Outdoor play, motor skills and children’s wellbeing
- Physical activity for children’s health promotion
- Promoting motor development in kindergartens, schools, sports, and families
- Teaching physical education to children: challenges and innovation also in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic
- Covid-19 pandemic: effects on children physical activities and well-being
Integration of different fields of science for studying motor development has modified old views and practices. Age-dependent stages of growth are no longer the reference points for teachers, instructors, and pediatricians in the present day where societies in most nations are multi-ethnic and children are of different genetic and cultural backgrounds. Driven by Newell’s assumption that development builds from experiences, interest on the factors that promote motor development has exited from a restricted scientific niche to attracting broader interest. Indeed, today both physical activity and motor skill development are considered to promote the health and quality of life of children with an impact that will last throughout the lifespan. Therefore, motor development is a scientific issue with a growing impact on the organization of modern societies, on public administrations, schools, sport, and public health systems.
Focusing on motor development to define new determinants and paradigms of intervention is essential for the present days marked by the world-wide attempt to limit the spread of the Coronavirus pandemic. The lockdowns and social distancing imposed by many governments worldwide has increased sedentary behaviors whilst decreasing levels of physical activity. This creates an urgent need for counteracting measures. We need to make our cities, schools and societies more physically active even in the presence of limiting events such as the present pandemic; an increase and diffusion of the scientific knowledge is therefore relevant to inspire educators and public servants to take evidence-based initiatives with high impact on public and individual health.
In this Research Topic we intend to collect research papers and reviews on factors promoting motor development in children. The scientific community is also invited and urged to present and discuss the results coming from the number of physical activity-based initiatives that have been organized around the world to support motor development in children and the quality of their life.
Potential topics include but are not limited to:
- Determinants of motor development
- Outdoor play, motor skills and children’s wellbeing
- Physical activity for children’s health promotion
- Promoting motor development in kindergartens, schools, sports, and families
- Teaching physical education to children: challenges and innovation also in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic
- Covid-19 pandemic: effects on children physical activities and well-being