Fast and complete reperfusion of the occluded vessel territory is the key to every revascularization therapy in stroke patients, no matter if treated with alteplase or thrombectomy. However, there is room for substantial improvement in time efficiency and techniques to achieve reperfusion. For example, the primary limitation leading to time-delays in the treatment of large vessel occlusion patients is the lack of a fast and reliable prehospital screening tool. This means that stroke patients are usually first triaged with a noninvasive imaging method in one room, or even hospital, and then transported to a different room, or hospital, for thrombectomy.
In this Research Topic, we aim to investigate the impact of procedural improvements on the success of reperfusion and the clinical outcome of ischemic stroke patients. There is a need to better understand the impact of improved time metrics on clinical outcomes of ischemic stroke patients, for example, the impact of admission imaging and reperfusion therapy in the same angiography room on patients' functional outcomes. Another goal is to report on the impact of further procedural and device improvements and investigate their impact on reperfusion success and clinical outcomes. Moreover, dependent on therapy success, software, and algorithm-based triage of stroke patients may offer valuable information to allocate the best possible treatments and predict functional outcomes of ischemic stroke patients at admission.
Areas of interest include, but are not limited to the following:
• One-stop management of ischemic stroke patients in the angio-suite
• Novel methods of pre-hospital patient triage
• Procedural and software solutions for effective patient triage
• Clinical consequences of improved time metrics
• Prediction of functional outcomes following stroke thrombectomy
• Artificial Intelligence-based selection tools for different interventional options
Fast and complete reperfusion of the occluded vessel territory is the key to every revascularization therapy in stroke patients, no matter if treated with alteplase or thrombectomy. However, there is room for substantial improvement in time efficiency and techniques to achieve reperfusion. For example, the primary limitation leading to time-delays in the treatment of large vessel occlusion patients is the lack of a fast and reliable prehospital screening tool. This means that stroke patients are usually first triaged with a noninvasive imaging method in one room, or even hospital, and then transported to a different room, or hospital, for thrombectomy.
In this Research Topic, we aim to investigate the impact of procedural improvements on the success of reperfusion and the clinical outcome of ischemic stroke patients. There is a need to better understand the impact of improved time metrics on clinical outcomes of ischemic stroke patients, for example, the impact of admission imaging and reperfusion therapy in the same angiography room on patients' functional outcomes. Another goal is to report on the impact of further procedural and device improvements and investigate their impact on reperfusion success and clinical outcomes. Moreover, dependent on therapy success, software, and algorithm-based triage of stroke patients may offer valuable information to allocate the best possible treatments and predict functional outcomes of ischemic stroke patients at admission.
Areas of interest include, but are not limited to the following:
• One-stop management of ischemic stroke patients in the angio-suite
• Novel methods of pre-hospital patient triage
• Procedural and software solutions for effective patient triage
• Clinical consequences of improved time metrics
• Prediction of functional outcomes following stroke thrombectomy
• Artificial Intelligence-based selection tools for different interventional options