Extracranial internal carotid artery stenosis is a leading cause of ischemic stroke. Patients can reduce their risk of future stroke with intensive medical therapy. In addition, select patients can benefit from revascularization with carotid endarterectomy (CEA) or carotid stenting. Imaging methods for carotid stenosis evaluation have evolved considerably since the original randomized trials evaluating CEA that started more than three decades ago. These developments offer the prospect for more refined individual decision making for patients with carotid stenosis. In addition to carotid atherosclerosis, extracranial carotid dissection is an important cause of stroke, especially in young adults.
In this Research Topic, we aim to summarize advances in carotid stenosis, including medical and surgical treatments. We would like to review advances in carotid imaging, including modalities such as ultrasound, CT angiography, MRI, and PET. We also welcome the topic of carotid stenosis and cognitive impairment, as well as the potential role of non-stenotic carotid plaques in strokes of unknown cause and risk stratification of stroke risk for patients with carotid stenosis. Lastly, we aim to include diagnosis, interventions, and follow-up of cervical artery dissection.
Areas of interest include, but are not limited to the following:
• Intensive medical therapy for carotid stenosis
• Impact of periprocedural therapy (antiplatelets, statins) on CEA outcomes
• Early results with Transcarotid Artery Revascularization (TCAR)
• Ultrasound markers of stroke risk in asymptomatic carotid stenosis
• Blood biomarkers of carotid stenosis
• Asymptomatic carotid stenosis and cognitive impairment
• Utility of PET plaque imaging in carotid stenosis
• Utility of MRI plaque imaging in carotid stenosis
• Prognosis of symptomatic internal carotid occlusion
• Nonstenotic carotid plaques and Embolic Stroke of Unknown Source (ESUS)
• Predictors of long-term mortality following CEA
• Methods to reduce stroke risk following carotid TIA
• Hyperperfusion syndrome following CEA or CAS
• Diagnosis of carotid dissection
• Medical therapy for carotid dissection
• Interventional therapy for carotid dissection
Extracranial internal carotid artery stenosis is a leading cause of ischemic stroke. Patients can reduce their risk of future stroke with intensive medical therapy. In addition, select patients can benefit from revascularization with carotid endarterectomy (CEA) or carotid stenting. Imaging methods for carotid stenosis evaluation have evolved considerably since the original randomized trials evaluating CEA that started more than three decades ago. These developments offer the prospect for more refined individual decision making for patients with carotid stenosis. In addition to carotid atherosclerosis, extracranial carotid dissection is an important cause of stroke, especially in young adults.
In this Research Topic, we aim to summarize advances in carotid stenosis, including medical and surgical treatments. We would like to review advances in carotid imaging, including modalities such as ultrasound, CT angiography, MRI, and PET. We also welcome the topic of carotid stenosis and cognitive impairment, as well as the potential role of non-stenotic carotid plaques in strokes of unknown cause and risk stratification of stroke risk for patients with carotid stenosis. Lastly, we aim to include diagnosis, interventions, and follow-up of cervical artery dissection.
Areas of interest include, but are not limited to the following:
• Intensive medical therapy for carotid stenosis
• Impact of periprocedural therapy (antiplatelets, statins) on CEA outcomes
• Early results with Transcarotid Artery Revascularization (TCAR)
• Ultrasound markers of stroke risk in asymptomatic carotid stenosis
• Blood biomarkers of carotid stenosis
• Asymptomatic carotid stenosis and cognitive impairment
• Utility of PET plaque imaging in carotid stenosis
• Utility of MRI plaque imaging in carotid stenosis
• Prognosis of symptomatic internal carotid occlusion
• Nonstenotic carotid plaques and Embolic Stroke of Unknown Source (ESUS)
• Predictors of long-term mortality following CEA
• Methods to reduce stroke risk following carotid TIA
• Hyperperfusion syndrome following CEA or CAS
• Diagnosis of carotid dissection
• Medical therapy for carotid dissection
• Interventional therapy for carotid dissection