The atmosphere-ionosphere system on Earth and also on other studied planets is controlled by upward propagating waves of various spatiotemporal scales from below and by solar and magnetic effects, i.e., space weather effects from above. In order to better understand the structure and evolution of the middle and upper atmospheres both coupling processes should be taken into account.
Our Research Topic focuses on various coupling processes in terrestrial and planetary atmospheres from the lower atmosphere to the thermosphere-ionosphere, especially regarding multi-scale wave coupling phenomena. New measurements, numerical modeling, and theoretical results are encouraged, including electrodynamical and chemical studies.
The overarching goal of this Research Topic is to better understand the various dynamical, thermodynamical, and electrodynamical interaction processes in terrestrial and planetary atmospheres. Research results pertaining to comparative planetology in the context of coupling processes are also relevant to this Research Topic.
In particular, studies in the following areas and topics are most welcome:
(1) General circulation modeling and numerical modeling
(2) Observation of Earth's middle and upper atmospheres, e.g., via radars, lidars, GPS-TEC, satellites
(3) Global structure, variability, and sources of gravity waves, planetary-Rossby waves, Kelvin waves, and solar tides
(4) Ion-neutral coupling and plasma dynamics
(5) Ionosphere-thermosphere-mesosphere response to lower and middle atmosphere variability and disturbances
(6) Traveling atmospheric and ionospheric disturbances
(7) Wave generation (primary & secondary) and propagation effects in the neutral and ionized atmosphere
(8) Remote sensing of terrestrial and planetary atmospheres. For example, among others, recent results from MAVEN, New Horizon, and ExoMARS, GOLD and ICON are welcome
(9) Sudden stratospheric warmings
(10) Radiate transfer, radiative processes, cloud formation.
The atmosphere-ionosphere system on Earth and also on other studied planets is controlled by upward propagating waves of various spatiotemporal scales from below and by solar and magnetic effects, i.e., space weather effects from above. In order to better understand the structure and evolution of the middle and upper atmospheres both coupling processes should be taken into account.
Our Research Topic focuses on various coupling processes in terrestrial and planetary atmospheres from the lower atmosphere to the thermosphere-ionosphere, especially regarding multi-scale wave coupling phenomena. New measurements, numerical modeling, and theoretical results are encouraged, including electrodynamical and chemical studies.
The overarching goal of this Research Topic is to better understand the various dynamical, thermodynamical, and electrodynamical interaction processes in terrestrial and planetary atmospheres. Research results pertaining to comparative planetology in the context of coupling processes are also relevant to this Research Topic.
In particular, studies in the following areas and topics are most welcome:
(1) General circulation modeling and numerical modeling
(2) Observation of Earth's middle and upper atmospheres, e.g., via radars, lidars, GPS-TEC, satellites
(3) Global structure, variability, and sources of gravity waves, planetary-Rossby waves, Kelvin waves, and solar tides
(4) Ion-neutral coupling and plasma dynamics
(5) Ionosphere-thermosphere-mesosphere response to lower and middle atmosphere variability and disturbances
(6) Traveling atmospheric and ionospheric disturbances
(7) Wave generation (primary & secondary) and propagation effects in the neutral and ionized atmosphere
(8) Remote sensing of terrestrial and planetary atmospheres. For example, among others, recent results from MAVEN, New Horizon, and ExoMARS, GOLD and ICON are welcome
(9) Sudden stratospheric warmings
(10) Radiate transfer, radiative processes, cloud formation.