Beyond the unprecedented health emergency, the COVID 19 pandemic represents a new big challenge for mental health researchers and clinical practitioners. During the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, a large number of people have been severely impacted in terms of development of mood disorders. On top of that, many people have suffered anxiety, depression, sadness, sleep problems and perceived social isolation.
Mood disorders are rising exponentially due to fatalities, economic turndown and isolation. Little attention is also given to health workers and practitioners, who are severely affected and overwhelmed by this emergency. Considering the global number of deaths - about 380,000 - the entire world is affected by these processes in different and faceted ways. Confinement, future instability, and fear not only exacerbated pre-existing issues, such as domestic violence, social phobias and depressive symptoms, but also trigger new psychopathological problems, sometimes escalating even in suicide.
The goal of this Research Topic is to analyze the overall effects of the pandemic on mood disorders and their behavioral consequences, such as cases of self-injurious behaviors and suicide, from different multidisciplinary perspectives and cultures. The aim is to encourage open discussion about current challenges and to provide practical and clinical directions for future intervention to cope with the impact of COVID-19 on the mood disorders of healthcare professionals, victims and their relatives.
Original Research, Data Reports, Study Protocols, Systematic Reviews, Theoretical perspectives and Opinion articles are welcome. We welcome articles on mood disorders at the time of the Coronavirus pandemic from different multidisciplinary perspectives, related but not restricted to the following themes:
• Psychopathological and Psychological impact of grief and social isolation due to the COVID-19 on mood disorders;
• Psychobiological and epigenetic approaches on the study of the impact of the COVID-19 on mood disorders;
• Management of mood disorders from healthcare professionals during COVID-19;
• Risk factors for mood disorders (age, gender, poverty, refugees, morbidity, palliative care, preexisting mental or physical health conditions) in times of COVID-19;
• Self-harm behaviors during the COVID19;
•Prevalence and risk factors of suicide during Covid-19;
• Psychological and psychiatric interventions for health professionals and general population during and after the pandemic;
• The relationship between technology (e.g. social networks, videocalls, internet…) and mood disorders during COVID-19;
• Protective psychological factors for mood disorders during the pandemic (such as attachment style, resilience);
• Psychiatric and psychological impact of confinement on the mood of children and adolescents and possible interventions;
•Possible preventive strategies for mood disorder in extraordinary situation, such as the pandemic.
The Guest Topic Editors are indebted to the critical contribution made by
Gaia Romana Pellicano in coordinating the launch of this Research Topic
***Due to the exceptional nature of the COVID-19 situation, Frontiers is waiving all article publishing charges for COVID-19 related research.***