Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L. Millsp. ) is a legume crop resilient to climate change due to its tolerance to drought. It is grown by millions of resource-poor farmers in semiarid and tropical subregions of Asia and Africa and is a major contributor to their nutritional food security. Pigeon pea is the sixth most important legume in the world, with India contributing more than 70% of the total production and harbouring a wide variety of cultivars. Nevertheless, the low yield of pigeon pea grown under dry land conditions and its yield instability need to be improved. This may be done by enhancing crop nodulation and, hence, biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) by supplying effective symbiotic rhizobia through the application of “elite” inoculants. Therefore, the main aim in this study was the isolation and genomic analysis of effective rhizobial strains potentially adapted to drought conditions. Accordingly, pigeon pea endosymbionts were isolated from different soil types in Southern, Central, and Northern India. After functional characterisation of the isolated strains in terms of their ability to nodulate and promote the growth of pigeon pea, 19 were selected for full genome sequencing, along with eight commercial inoculant strains obtained from the ICRISAT culture collection. The phylogenomic analysis [Average nucleotide identity MUMmer (ANIm)] revealed that the pigeon pea endosymbionts were members of the genera Bradyrhizobium and Ensifer. Based on nodC phylogeny and nod cluster synteny, Bradyrhizobium yuanmingense was revealed as the most common endosymbiont, harbouring nod genes similar to those of Bradyrhizobium cajani and Bradyrhizobium zhanjiangense. This symbiont type (e.g., strain BRP05 from Madhya Pradesh) also outperformed all other strains tested on pigeon pea, with the notable exception of an Ensifer alkalisoli strain from North India (NBAIM29). The results provide the basis for the development of pigeon pea inoculants to increase the yield of this legume through the use of effective nitrogen-fixing rhizobia, tailored for the different agroclimatic regions of India.
Biological nitrogen fixation by Rhizobium-legume symbioses represents an environmentally friendly and inexpensive alternative to the use of chemical nitrogen fertilizers in legume crops. Rhizobial inoculants, applied frequently as biofertilizers, play an important role in sustainable agriculture. However, inoculants often fail to compete for nodule occupancy against native rhizobia with inferior nitrogen-fixing abilities, resulting in low yields. Strains with excellent performance under controlled conditions are typically selected as inoculants, but the rates of nodule occupancy compared to native strains are rarely investigated. Lack of persistence in the field after agricultural cycles, usually due to the transfer of symbiotic genes from the inoculant strain to naturalized populations, also limits the suitability of commercial inoculants. When rhizobial inoculants are based on native strains with a high nitrogen fixation ability, they often have superior performance in the field due to their genetic adaptations to the local environment. Therefore, knowledge from laboratory studies assessing competition and understanding how diverse strains of rhizobia behave, together with assays done under field conditions, may allow us to exploit the effectiveness of native populations selected as elite strains and to breed specific host cultivar-rhizobial strain combinations. Here, we review current knowledge at the molecular level on competition for nodulation and the advances in molecular tools for assessing competitiveness. We then describe ongoing approaches for inoculant development based on native strains and emphasize future perspectives and applications using a multidisciplinary approach to ensure optimal performance of both symbiotic partners.
Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) refers to a bacterially mediated process by which atmospheric N2 is reduced, either symbiotically or non-symbiotically, into ammonia (NH3) in the presence of the enzyme complex nitrogenase. In N2-fixing grain legumes, BNF is often hampered under low phosphorus (P) availability. The P status of legumes, particularly nodules, as well as P availability in the rhizosphere, play a vital role in regulating BNF. Aside from increasing P availability via fertilization, other plant traits (i.e., extensive rooting system and their spatial distribution, hyper-nodulation, root exudates, rhizosphere acidification, and heterogeneity) contribute to greater P uptake and hence more effective BNF. The positive interaction between P availability and BNF can be exploited through beneficial soil P solubilizing microorganisms (PSM). These microorganisms can increase plant-available P by modifying either rhizosphere soil processes or promoting plant traits, which lead to increased P uptake by the production of plant growth-promoting substances, both of which could indirectly influence the efficiency of BNF in legumes. In this review, we report on the importance of microbial P bio-solubilization as a pathway for improving BNF in grain legumes via PSM and P solubilizing bacteria (PSB). Because BNF in legumes is a P-requiring agro-ecological process, the ability of soil PSB to synergize with the rhizobial strains is likely a key belowground process worth investigating for advanced research aiming to improve rhizosphere biological functions necessary for sustainable legume-based cropping systems.