COVID-19 has rapidly spread in the world and social distancing or stay-at-home measures have been adopted by many countries. Transportation systems remain at the forefront of this pandemic. It will be valuable to learn from the related research conducted all over the world. For instance, human mobility behavior and system usage collected from mobile phones and transportation systems will play a key role to understand COVID-19 transmission patterns, the impacts of disruptions to our social and economic activities, and recovery from those disruptions. Geo-location data from different platforms can be used to create individual-based movement metrics during the outbreak to understand the compliance behavior. Traffic detectors installed in the transportation systems will allow us to understand to what extent stay-at-home orders are followed in different parts of a network. In this article collection, we aim to gather and highlight the knowledge related to the role of transportation systems—from understanding the spreading patterns of the virus to assessing the compliance of social distancing measures—to the ongoing global public health and economic crisis.
We invite original articles from researchers who are investigating different aspects intersecting the role of transportation systems and COVID-19. Articles may cover any mode including air, public, highway, ride-hailing, and non-motorized transportation. Articles based on empirical data collected during the current crisis are encouraged. We seek manuscripts that address any aspect of transportation systems related to this research topic including, but not limited to, the following themes:
• Modeling the dynamics of COVID-19 pandemic with human mobility data
• Constructing disease contact networks from public transportation data
• Understanding the compliance of social distancing or stay-at-home measures through data collected from transportation systems
• Ridership of public transport and use of contactless technology
• Social distancing and its impact on public transport usage
• Understanding the changes in travel behavior in relation to active mode uptake (walking and cycling) and its impact on community well-being.
• Assessing the recovery of different communities from stay-at-home measures
• Appraising the impact of various transport policies to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 infections across communities.
COVID-19 has rapidly spread in the world and social distancing or stay-at-home measures have been adopted by many countries. Transportation systems remain at the forefront of this pandemic. It will be valuable to learn from the related research conducted all over the world. For instance, human mobility behavior and system usage collected from mobile phones and transportation systems will play a key role to understand COVID-19 transmission patterns, the impacts of disruptions to our social and economic activities, and recovery from those disruptions. Geo-location data from different platforms can be used to create individual-based movement metrics during the outbreak to understand the compliance behavior. Traffic detectors installed in the transportation systems will allow us to understand to what extent stay-at-home orders are followed in different parts of a network. In this article collection, we aim to gather and highlight the knowledge related to the role of transportation systems—from understanding the spreading patterns of the virus to assessing the compliance of social distancing measures—to the ongoing global public health and economic crisis.
We invite original articles from researchers who are investigating different aspects intersecting the role of transportation systems and COVID-19. Articles may cover any mode including air, public, highway, ride-hailing, and non-motorized transportation. Articles based on empirical data collected during the current crisis are encouraged. We seek manuscripts that address any aspect of transportation systems related to this research topic including, but not limited to, the following themes:
• Modeling the dynamics of COVID-19 pandemic with human mobility data
• Constructing disease contact networks from public transportation data
• Understanding the compliance of social distancing or stay-at-home measures through data collected from transportation systems
• Ridership of public transport and use of contactless technology
• Social distancing and its impact on public transport usage
• Understanding the changes in travel behavior in relation to active mode uptake (walking and cycling) and its impact on community well-being.
• Assessing the recovery of different communities from stay-at-home measures
• Appraising the impact of various transport policies to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 infections across communities.