The use of marine fish, invertebrates, seaweeds, and microorganisms for applications in medicine, human and animal food production, and other industrial purposes has expanded considerably in the last decade due partly to the advent of aquaculture in the 1980s. The potential value of aquaculture as a reliable source for the production of threatened marine species that produce medically significant products is especially critical. However, this trend is depleting wild species populations. Future advancements toward sustainable methods are paramount for continued growth in this valuable marine sector, which plays a key role in modern medicine, nutrition and health, and ecosystem vibrancy.
There has been increasing interest in marine-derived medicines (Marine Pharmacognosy) and the conservation of marine species that produce these valuable products, with topics ranging from their basic biology and ecology, to their application in the industrial sector but several knowledge gaps remain. For example, the use of horseshoe crabs in both the biomedical and fishing industry has threatened species viability. In turn, this decline has had a dramatic impact on terrestrial systems, such as migrating shorebirds, like the red knot, that depend on horseshoe crab eggs for survival. Enhancements in the conservation of horseshoe crabs are imperative to safeguard their contributions to medicine and global safety, while also protecting and preserving the surrounding ecosystem.
The aim of this Research Topic is to consolidate the latest research on the biology, conservation, and application of threatened or endangered marine species including but not limited to:
• Threatened Aquatic Species Research
• Alternative Feeds for Aquaculture (e.g. biofloc, fish oil-free diets)
• Sustainable Bait Replacements
• Aquaculture approaches to Conservation of Aquatic Organisms
• Marine-derived Pharmaceuticals (e.g. antimicrobials, anticancer)
• Reproductive Ecology and Aquatic Species Preservation
• Blue Ocean Initiatives
This Research Topic welcomes original articles related to any of these objectives including reviews and opinion papers
Dr. Dellinger and Dr. Kulberg are employed by Kepley BioSystems Inc. The other Topic Editors declare no competing interests with regards to the Research Topic theme.
The use of marine fish, invertebrates, seaweeds, and microorganisms for applications in medicine, human and animal food production, and other industrial purposes has expanded considerably in the last decade due partly to the advent of aquaculture in the 1980s. The potential value of aquaculture as a reliable source for the production of threatened marine species that produce medically significant products is especially critical. However, this trend is depleting wild species populations. Future advancements toward sustainable methods are paramount for continued growth in this valuable marine sector, which plays a key role in modern medicine, nutrition and health, and ecosystem vibrancy.
There has been increasing interest in marine-derived medicines (Marine Pharmacognosy) and the conservation of marine species that produce these valuable products, with topics ranging from their basic biology and ecology, to their application in the industrial sector but several knowledge gaps remain. For example, the use of horseshoe crabs in both the biomedical and fishing industry has threatened species viability. In turn, this decline has had a dramatic impact on terrestrial systems, such as migrating shorebirds, like the red knot, that depend on horseshoe crab eggs for survival. Enhancements in the conservation of horseshoe crabs are imperative to safeguard their contributions to medicine and global safety, while also protecting and preserving the surrounding ecosystem.
The aim of this Research Topic is to consolidate the latest research on the biology, conservation, and application of threatened or endangered marine species including but not limited to:
• Threatened Aquatic Species Research
• Alternative Feeds for Aquaculture (e.g. biofloc, fish oil-free diets)
• Sustainable Bait Replacements
• Aquaculture approaches to Conservation of Aquatic Organisms
• Marine-derived Pharmaceuticals (e.g. antimicrobials, anticancer)
• Reproductive Ecology and Aquatic Species Preservation
• Blue Ocean Initiatives
This Research Topic welcomes original articles related to any of these objectives including reviews and opinion papers
Dr. Dellinger and Dr. Kulberg are employed by Kepley BioSystems Inc. The other Topic Editors declare no competing interests with regards to the Research Topic theme.