Anthropogenic activities have resulted in a broad suite of global and local-scale stressors that continue to negatively impact coral reef ecosystems worldwide. To date, the rehabilitation of these globally significant environments has created major challenges for local communities, resource managers and researchers alike. However, recent developments in coral propagation techniques and other technological advancements that facilitate discovery and innovation in science afford an unprecedented opportunity to promote coral reef restoration efforts as we move forward in the 21st Century.
For this Research Topic, we seek to compile manuscripts that provide details on innovative techniques and ecological engineering approaches to carry out coral reef restoration programs, worldwide, taking into account contemporary and anticipated challenges to coral reef ecosystems.
We welcome Original Research, Methods, Reviews, Mini-Reviews, Technology Reports, Data Reports and Perspectives that explore the following themes or other closely related topics:
• Propagation and Husbandry
• Improved Outplanting Success
• Size Matters! Advances in Microfragmentation for Reef Restoration
• Building Resilient Reefs: Assisted Evolution and Genetic Influence on Performance and Harnessing Environmental Gradients
• Spawning a Future: Assisting Coral Recruitment Though Larval Husbandry
• Socio-economic Studies of Citizen Participation in Restoration Programs
• Species Ecology - Growth, Feeding, and Reproduction
• Monitoring Assessment Technology and Tools
• Models for Restoration and Management
Cover photo by Johanna Calle, Laboratorio de Ecología de Ecosistemas de Arrecifes Coralinos (LEEAC)
Anthropogenic activities have resulted in a broad suite of global and local-scale stressors that continue to negatively impact coral reef ecosystems worldwide. To date, the rehabilitation of these globally significant environments has created major challenges for local communities, resource managers and researchers alike. However, recent developments in coral propagation techniques and other technological advancements that facilitate discovery and innovation in science afford an unprecedented opportunity to promote coral reef restoration efforts as we move forward in the 21st Century.
For this Research Topic, we seek to compile manuscripts that provide details on innovative techniques and ecological engineering approaches to carry out coral reef restoration programs, worldwide, taking into account contemporary and anticipated challenges to coral reef ecosystems.
We welcome Original Research, Methods, Reviews, Mini-Reviews, Technology Reports, Data Reports and Perspectives that explore the following themes or other closely related topics:
• Propagation and Husbandry
• Improved Outplanting Success
• Size Matters! Advances in Microfragmentation for Reef Restoration
• Building Resilient Reefs: Assisted Evolution and Genetic Influence on Performance and Harnessing Environmental Gradients
• Spawning a Future: Assisting Coral Recruitment Though Larval Husbandry
• Socio-economic Studies of Citizen Participation in Restoration Programs
• Species Ecology - Growth, Feeding, and Reproduction
• Monitoring Assessment Technology and Tools
• Models for Restoration and Management
Cover photo by Johanna Calle, Laboratorio de Ecología de Ecosistemas de Arrecifes Coralinos (LEEAC)