Diabetes is a major noncommunicable disease and its global prevalence has been steadily increasing in recent years. There will be an estimated 51% increase in the number of diabetes patients worldwide from 463 million in 2019 to 700 million in 2045. The most remarkable increase in diabetes and in diabetes-associated diseases is expected to occur in developing countries in Africa, in the Middle East, in South-East Asia, in South America, and in Central America. Approximately 1 in 3 adult patients with diabetes lives in the Western Pacific region, and 1 in 3 diabetes-related deaths also occurs in this region. The annual global health expenditure on diabetes is expected to grow from 760 billion United States Dollars (USD) in 2019 to 845 billion USD by 2045. More than half of the direct costs are used to treat diabetes complications.
Moreover, in recent years, emerging diabetes-associated health problems, including cancer, dementia, bone disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and oral diseases, etc., are threatening the health and life expectancy of diabetes patients. Therefore, the actual diabetes-related loss of lifespan and health care expenditures are probably greatly underestimated. Because epidemiological data, health care information, and the emerging problems relating to diabetes are still under-investigated in Asia and in developing countries in various regions of the world, we encourage submission of research manuscripts relating to the Research Topic of diabetes in these countries, with special interest in the current status of diabetes mellitus and the emerging problems of diabetes-related cancer and dementia. We do hope that it will help to narrow the gap in our knowledge relating to diabetes and its associated health problems in Asia and in developing countries around the world.
This Research Topic accepts contributions from researchers working on several related fields. Articles of original research, review or systematic reviews on diabetes-related issues on epidemiology, complications, basic laboratory research, clinical trials or observational studies, cost analyses, or impacts on the health care system are welcomed. The manuscripts include, but are not limited to, the following research topics:
- Epidemiology of diabetes: risk factors, prevalence, incidence, mortality, etc.
- Complications of diabetes: acute or chronic, lower limb amputations, peripheral arterial disease, stroke, heart disease, kidney disease, eye disease or neuropathy, and diabetes-associated cancers
- Current status of care
- Cost analyses
- Use of anti-diabetic drugs and their potential problems of induction of cancer and dementia.
- Other emerging problems related to diabetes: bone disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, oral diseases, etc.
- Clinical trials
Diabetes is a major noncommunicable disease and its global prevalence has been steadily increasing in recent years. There will be an estimated 51% increase in the number of diabetes patients worldwide from 463 million in 2019 to 700 million in 2045. The most remarkable increase in diabetes and in diabetes-associated diseases is expected to occur in developing countries in Africa, in the Middle East, in South-East Asia, in South America, and in Central America. Approximately 1 in 3 adult patients with diabetes lives in the Western Pacific region, and 1 in 3 diabetes-related deaths also occurs in this region. The annual global health expenditure on diabetes is expected to grow from 760 billion United States Dollars (USD) in 2019 to 845 billion USD by 2045. More than half of the direct costs are used to treat diabetes complications.
Moreover, in recent years, emerging diabetes-associated health problems, including cancer, dementia, bone disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and oral diseases, etc., are threatening the health and life expectancy of diabetes patients. Therefore, the actual diabetes-related loss of lifespan and health care expenditures are probably greatly underestimated. Because epidemiological data, health care information, and the emerging problems relating to diabetes are still under-investigated in Asia and in developing countries in various regions of the world, we encourage submission of research manuscripts relating to the Research Topic of diabetes in these countries, with special interest in the current status of diabetes mellitus and the emerging problems of diabetes-related cancer and dementia. We do hope that it will help to narrow the gap in our knowledge relating to diabetes and its associated health problems in Asia and in developing countries around the world.
This Research Topic accepts contributions from researchers working on several related fields. Articles of original research, review or systematic reviews on diabetes-related issues on epidemiology, complications, basic laboratory research, clinical trials or observational studies, cost analyses, or impacts on the health care system are welcomed. The manuscripts include, but are not limited to, the following research topics:
- Epidemiology of diabetes: risk factors, prevalence, incidence, mortality, etc.
- Complications of diabetes: acute or chronic, lower limb amputations, peripheral arterial disease, stroke, heart disease, kidney disease, eye disease or neuropathy, and diabetes-associated cancers
- Current status of care
- Cost analyses
- Use of anti-diabetic drugs and their potential problems of induction of cancer and dementia.
- Other emerging problems related to diabetes: bone disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, oral diseases, etc.
- Clinical trials