Animal infectious diseases are of significant economic and food security importance for a number of countries. A veterinary epidemiological approach to animal infectious diseases focuses on controlling and managing disease in the livestock population. Due to globalization and transportation of both people and goods, the risk of transmission and spread of animal infectious diseases such as Foot and Mouth Disease and African Swine Fever is increasing. Those outbreaks cause massive economic damage to the livestock industry. Diagnosis and prevention should be an essential part of animal disease policies and disease management strategies. However, the same strategy is not always necessarily used anywhere; strategies change as places change. One of the most important factors for effective disease control is feasibility and sustainability. It is significant for policy makers and livestock industry not only to develop technology but also share the information of cases.
The prevention and control of animal infectious diseases is expected to have a positive impact, both economically and in terms of food security. Diagnostic testing of animal infectious diseases is essential for the prevention and control. Thus, the purpose of this Research Topic is to develop techniques and strategies to control animal infectious diseases including epidemiology, molecular biology, immunology, genetics and pathogenesis.
This Research Topic is to cover novel research related to infectious diseases considered to hold an economic threat to animals and human. Areas to be covered include, but are not limited to, the following:
-Infectious disease and control or eradication in livestock
-Development of diagnosis, monitoring and surveillance program
-Evaluation of economic impacts, prevention and management
-Survey studies which likely to be international interest
Molecular biology, genomics, vaccine development, wildlife and public health related to infectious disease in livestock are also welcomed in this Research Topic. Diagnostic and basic epidemiological surveys will not be accepted.
Animal infectious diseases are of significant economic and food security importance for a number of countries. A veterinary epidemiological approach to animal infectious diseases focuses on controlling and managing disease in the livestock population. Due to globalization and transportation of both people and goods, the risk of transmission and spread of animal infectious diseases such as Foot and Mouth Disease and African Swine Fever is increasing. Those outbreaks cause massive economic damage to the livestock industry. Diagnosis and prevention should be an essential part of animal disease policies and disease management strategies. However, the same strategy is not always necessarily used anywhere; strategies change as places change. One of the most important factors for effective disease control is feasibility and sustainability. It is significant for policy makers and livestock industry not only to develop technology but also share the information of cases.
The prevention and control of animal infectious diseases is expected to have a positive impact, both economically and in terms of food security. Diagnostic testing of animal infectious diseases is essential for the prevention and control. Thus, the purpose of this Research Topic is to develop techniques and strategies to control animal infectious diseases including epidemiology, molecular biology, immunology, genetics and pathogenesis.
This Research Topic is to cover novel research related to infectious diseases considered to hold an economic threat to animals and human. Areas to be covered include, but are not limited to, the following:
-Infectious disease and control or eradication in livestock
-Development of diagnosis, monitoring and surveillance program
-Evaluation of economic impacts, prevention and management
-Survey studies which likely to be international interest
Molecular biology, genomics, vaccine development, wildlife and public health related to infectious disease in livestock are also welcomed in this Research Topic. Diagnostic and basic epidemiological surveys will not be accepted.