Currently, the study of pancreatic diseases is very actively promoted in Europe for several reasons. First of all, the European Pancreatic Club and the national pancreatic associations are efficiently helping pancreatologists to perform collaborative clinical research. Programs like Pancreas 2000 are especially helpful to develop and perform multicenter projects. Pancreas 2000 is an EAC-CME-accredited, post-graduate educational program that prepares young gastroenterologists, surgeons, radiologists, and other physicians for a specialization in Pancreatology. Mentees are encouraged to design observational and experimental studies supervised by Mentors (senior pancreatologists with a vast experience in research). Those projects are conceived to be multicenter trials trying to answer clinically relevant research questions. Furthermore, in Europe there are several widely-recognized centers of excellence in pancreatology which are leading new approaches to pancreatic diseases.
In this Research Topic, we have a window to future European research addressing the pancreas protocols of promising studies from the Pancreas 2000 educational program and some of the most active centers in pancreatology.
Currently, the study of pancreatic diseases is very actively promoted in Europe for several reasons. First of all, the European Pancreatic Club and the national pancreatic associations are efficiently helping pancreatologists to perform collaborative clinical research. Programs like Pancreas 2000 are especially helpful to develop and perform multicenter projects. Pancreas 2000 is an EAC-CME-accredited, post-graduate educational program that prepares young gastroenterologists, surgeons, radiologists, and other physicians for a specialization in Pancreatology. Mentees are encouraged to design observational and experimental studies supervised by Mentors (senior pancreatologists with a vast experience in research). Those projects are conceived to be multicenter trials trying to answer clinically relevant research questions. Furthermore, in Europe there are several widely-recognized centers of excellence in pancreatology which are leading new approaches to pancreatic diseases.
In this Research Topic, we have a window to future European research addressing the pancreas protocols of promising studies from the Pancreas 2000 educational program and some of the most active centers in pancreatology.