andrew kruczkiewicz
International Research Institute for Climate and Society, The Earth Institute, Columbia University
United States
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International Research Institute for Climate and Society, The Earth Institute, Columbia University
United States
School of Computing Science, University of Glasgow
United Kingdom
Spatial Perception, Applied Cognition and Education (SPACE) Lab, Cognitive and Information Sciences, University of California Merced
United States
Department of Geography and Digital Society Initiative, University of Zurich
School of Computing Science, University of Glasgow
United Kingdom
Spatial Perception, Applied Cognition and Education (SPACE) Lab, Cognitive and Information Sciences, University of California Merced
United States
Department of Psychology, University of California, Merced
United States
Applied Mathematics, University of California Merced
United States
Institute for Hazard Mitigation Planning and Research, University of Washington
United States
Decision Processes Lab, School of Psychology, Georgia Institute of Technology
United States
VisUSAL-GRIAL, Department of Computer Science and Automation, University of Salamanca
Department of Geography and Digital Society Initiative, University of Zurich
Frontiers in Digital Humanities
Human-Media InteractionOffline
Frontiers in ICT
Human-Media InteractionOffline
Frontiers in Psychology
Human-Media InteractionOffline